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epsrc fellowship interview

40 Fellowship Interview Questions (+ Answers) complements other UK research funded in the area, including any relationship to the EPSRC portfolio and NQTP portfolio, or NQCC portfolio if appropriate. contributes to, or helps maintain the health of other disciplines, contributes to addressing key UK societal challenges or contributes to future UK economic success and development of emerging industry(s), meets NQTOP needs by establishing and maintaining a unique world-leading activity in the quantum technology sector. Your fellowship can be up to five years long. These criteria vary according to the scheme or funding opportunity that the application has been submitted to. Please also note that, as with any fellowship call, you should make your assessment of the application within the context of the aims, objectives and specific assessment criteria for fellowships in general. See the Je-S handbook for full advice on completing applications. If, for any reason, you feel that you are not able to assess the application, please advise EPSRC accordingly. If you are not sure if your research fits within the remit of this funding opportunity or if you have specific questions about our theme areas, you should contact the relevant portfolio manager or theme fellowship coordinator. EPSRC Mathematical Sciences Fellowship Interviews October 2021 You could consider applying for an open fellowship if you: Additionally, if you want to use this opportunity to design a package of work which meets your wider aspirations, there is an option for you to add a Plus component to your fellowship application. the equipment is essential to the proposed research. There are no eligibility rules about how many years of postdoctoral experience you need or whether you are currently in a permanent academic position. EPSRC Fellowship: Starts: 01 June 2023: Ends: 31 May 2026: Value (): 349,005: EPSRC Research Topic Classifications: Energy - Nuclear: EPSRC Industrial Sector Classifications: Energy: Related Grants: Panel History: Panel Date: Panel Name: Outcome: 17 Oct 2022: ELEMENT Fellowship Interview Panel 18 19 and 20 October 2022: Announced: 08 Jun 2022 . You can save completed details in Je-S at any time and return to continue your application later. We also welcome applications from candidates who want to move back into research after a career break or any other type of break from active research. Your fellowship can be up to five years long. When you submit the application, it will first go to your host organisation for review. The career development fellowship will offer, amongst other things: The NQCC sponsored career development awards could also offer, for example: Research organisations should show their commitment to applicants by providing additional support and resources as evidenced in the host organisation statement (EPSRC). . developing an equality, diversity and inclusion research culture, knowledge building of responsible innovation and trusted research and innovation, development of skills required to lead and manage a research team. The award provides the opportunity to carry out an ambitious programme of research and accelerate your personal and professional career development. All relevant parts of the ethical information section must be completed. EPSRC will fund 80% of the full economic cost of equipment. During the first phase of the NQTP, the first round of quantum technologies fellowships aimed to support both the individuals and their teams to help realise some of the countrys potential. Patrick works on the application of adaptive optics to laser micro-fabrication. Read information and advice on how to get the most out of international collaboration whilst protecting intellectual property, sensitive research and personal information (CPNI). Reviewers should comment on how the research relates to EPSRCs research areas and strategies (many projects will be relevant to more than one EPSRC research area) and complements EPSRCs current portfolio. Stephen Hawking Postdoctoral Fellowship - UKRI Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help us test new developments. Research quality (excellence) will always be pre-eminent, and no application can be funded without clearly demonstrating this aspect. Research grants are open to UK higher education institutions, research council institutes, UKRI-approved independent research organisations, Public Sector Research Establishments and NHS bodies with research capacity. Please also comment on the level and suitability of the support offered by the host in the host organisation statement. fellowship will make a strategic contribution to the broader research landscape. EPSRC occasionally offers other fellowship opportunities, some of which are in partnership with external organisations or with other UKRI research councils. how the proposed research contributes to or helps maintain the health of other research disciplines, contributes to addressing key UK societal challenges, contributes to current or future UK economic success or enables future development of key emerging industries, the extent to which the research proposed has the potential to meet national strategic needs by establishing or maintaining a unique world-leading research activity (including areas of niche capability). For multidisciplinary applications please state which aspects of the application you feel qualified to assess. Proposals must be at least 50% EPSRCs quantum technology remit and can cover any aspect of quantum technology research. This is a new category of engineering (cyber-physical) systems that combine physical processes with computational control in a holistic way in order to achieve . Pep Canyelles Pericas - Assistant Professor - University of Twente They must also provide you with mentoring support to enable you to move into an academic position in the future. Reviewers are not required to consider this additional information when providing comments on an application. MCSIMus: Monte Carlo Simulation with Inline Multiphysics You can spend between 50% and 100% of your time on a fellowship. NERC independent research fellowships - Department of Physics Your application is assessed by peer review. If you are interested in doing a postdoc at Imperial, and if you got/will get your PhD within the last 3 years, consider applying for an EPSRC fellowship. . | Learn more about Jessica Pinheiro de Lucena-Thomas's work . instrumentation and technique development, have already been in receipt of significant funding or have been leading in an area of technical development, have a planned programme of work up to five years in duration which will deliver high quality research with a focus on discovery science, innovation, instrumentation or technique development, or software engineering, can demonstrate that you have acquired the skills and expertise to successfully deliver your research proposal, and that you are committed to being an advocate for EPSRC and to implementing good practice in creating a modern and inclusive research environment. This is prorated for part-time fellows, at a minimum of 50% FTE. There are no nationality restrictions imposed by EPSRC on who can apply for a fellowship. EPSRC Fellowship - NHFP: Starts: 25 June 2018: Ends: 26 July 2022: Value (): 516,488: EPSRC Research Topic Classifications: . In these circumstances, the duration of your fellowship can be extended pro rata. Such changes may not be reflected in the membership below. flexibility to accommodate changes to family circumstances, a cohort group of fellows to encourage and support networking, the opportunity to demonstrate a wide range of skills beyond a publication list, the opportunity to have a secondment or part-time placement working with industry, the opportunity to collaborate with another organisation beyond your host institution. All these approaches could demonstrate excellence so your judgement should not simply be based on which approach has been adopted. The amount of time spent on a fellowship can vary over the funding period. You will have the opportunity to respond to reviewer comments if your application has enough support to proceed to the prioritisation panel stage. We will fund 80% of the full economic costs of your project. Download the Fellowships peer review form. We recommend you start your application in good time. If the application is in a subject or area that causes you serious personal concern, to the extent that you feel you cannot provide an objective review, you should decline to review the application giving the reason as other, and stating ethical issues in the comment box. community champion (only assessed if the applicant has applied for the plus component). This award is to enable applicants to develop an independent research career in quantum technology. UKRI must receive your application on Je-S by 30 March 2023 4:00pm UK time. Details of Grant - gow.epsrc.ukri.org Applicants are asked to set their proposal in context in terms of the current state of knowledge and other work under way in the field. Your research organisation must fund the remaining 20%. These should be proportionate to the scale and complexity of the activity to be undertaken. Read the guidance on institutional eligibility. The things you must do before you start your application for a fellowship: You must apply using the Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system. This opportunity will transition from Je-S to a new Funding Service after 30 March 2023. how competitive the proposed work is and how it compares to related international activity, whether the applicants show how their research fits with activities elsewhere in the world and whether they demonstrate awareness of the context and landscape within which they operate, to what extent the research will provide the UK with a unique capability, whether the applicant has presented the academic, industrial, policy, societal or other relevant context clearly. Panel Date: Panel Name: Outcome: 10 May 2018: EPSRC UKRI CL Innovation Fellowship Interview Panel 6 - 10 and 11 May 2018: Announced: Summary on Grant Application Form: Certainty of outcome is not an indicator of excellence, but neither is an incremental approach necessarily an indicator that a proposal lacks excellence. As such, the focus should be on the stated impact rather than the duration. a co-investigator is expected to bring complementary experience and different skills. You may request funding for: We expect eligible research organisations to submit the best candidates for these fellowships. This button displays the currently selected search type. Fellowships - UKRI - Research Councils UK a global centre of excellence in quantum science and technology development, the go-to place for quantum companies or global companies to locate their quantum activities. This application has been submitted in response to a published call. An EPSRC Fellowship is designed to provide the recipient with the necessary support to establish or further develop themselves as a leader of the future. There is no limit on how much funding you can request. Committed to using technical expertise, organisational and communicative skills to accelerate the commercialisation of STEM research to address global challenges. Candidates should confirm their eligibility for specific fellowships schemes and will be required to provide evidence of eligibility to work in the UK before commencing any fellowship offered. The reviewer form asks reviewers to summarise their view of the application. When undertaking your assessment of the research project, you should assess the project as written, noting that any changes that the project might require in the future, which arise from the COVID-19 pandemic, will be resolved as a post-award issue by UKRI if the project is successful. These fellowships may have different eligibility, application and review processes. In exceptional circumstances, panel membership may change at a late stage. Find examples of projects we have funded by searching for fellowship in our online portfolio. ensure your application fits into the EPSRC remit. He uses femtosecond pulse lasers to manufacture three dimensional devices inside transparent materials, applying adaptive optical techniques to enhance precision and/or speed. Any queries regarding the submission of proposals through Je-S should be directed to the Je-S helpdesk. you have a PhD, or equivalent industry experience, working in the quantum technology sector and are looking at what aspects of your career you would like to develop to enable you to become an independent researcher, you have started formulating your own research ideas for programmes of work that will deliver high-quality research with a focus on discovery, innovation, instrumentation or technique development within quantum technology, you can demonstrate a clear career development plan, over three to five years, that will give you the skills to successfully deliver your research proposal and transition to independent researcher, you have not previously held a significant grant (usually defined as those which included PDRA time, capital equipment or were in excess of 100,000 full economic cost). An overview of EPSRC Fellowships - UKRI - Research Councils UK The University of Manchester hiring Postdoctoral Research Associate in These were to harness the UKs strengths in quantum science by turning this into strength in quantum technologies. It is anticipated that interviews will be held middle of June 2021 CANDIDATE BRIEF Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Doctoral Prize Fellowship 2021 - Two Fellowships available . You may apply for funding for facilities costs and cruise costs. This is the integrated website of the seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. EPSRC fellowships: early and established career - UKRI EPSRC Fellowships. at least four years experience in a relevant field by the start of your fellowship. You can apply if you have a PhD or have worked in a relevant field for at least four years by the start date of your fellowship. NERC independent research fellowship 2021 - UKRI If you need any further general information about applying for a fellowship, email: researchcareers@epsrc.ukri.org. EPSRC therefore allows applicants to tailor the support that they request in order to facilitate this. What is the applicants career vision and how will the fellowship enable them to realise their research vision? Find examples of projects we have funded by searching for fellowship in our online portfolio. There is no simple definition of excellence. If not, is there a clear and realistic plan to target potential beneficiaries of the outputs and outcomes? Applicants should allow sufficient time for your organisations submission process between submitting your proposal to them and the funding opportunity closing date. It will be sent electronically to at least three reviewers, including at least one nominated by you. you must submit document which will send your application to your host organisations administration. The applicant should have provided appropriate methodology to deliver the research and impact programme. https://www.ukri.org/opportunity/epsrc-fellowships-early-and-established-career, Browse our areas of investment and support, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), our policy on repeatedly unsuccessful submissions, Joint Electronic Submission system (Je-S), EPSRC fellowships framework application guidance, EPSRC fellowship guidance for applicants (PDF, 585KB), EPSRC Fellowship frequently asked questions, information and communication technologies, equipment and other items needed to carry out the project, help applicants identify how they fit the aims and outcomes of their career stage. It is an honor to be part of this project! We recommend you start your application in good time. Additionally, in order to support research in quantum computing, several of the fellowship awards will be supported by the NQCC through this funding opportunity. Your project can use one or a combination of: discovery science innovation instrumentation and technique development software engineering your host organisations administration is required to complete the submission process. BBSRC Discovery Fellowships 2023 - UKRI a cover letter (no page limit), this will not be seen by peer reviewers. If you are a research organisation, you must: You can apply for between three and five years funding. Our assessment criteria at the review stage: At the prioritisation panel the panel will assess the application against: Following the prioritisation panel, we will invite successful candidates to interview. Normally you might expect to see a plausible hypothesis with some basis within the published literature, and some clearly identified objectives that sensibly test that hypothesis. Organized by the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training at Imperial College London, this school mainly focused on the current advances in the field of active fluids. Towards a Parameter-Free Theory for Electrochemical Phenomena at the You must be hosted and supported by an eligible UK research organisation during your fellowship. Our assessment criteria at the review stage and prioritisation panel stage: Reference should be made to how the research: As part of the application process you will be invited to nominate up to three potential reviewers who you feel have the expertise to assess your proposal. You can be working within the quantum technology sector in academia, business or industry. Such changes may not be reflected in the membership below. EPSRC PhD funding may also provide a travel and conference allowance of 300 for you to attend and present at conferences, as well as Disabled Students Allowance (DSA). B1005 (Director's office) Crombie Annexe Old Aberdeen Campus College Bounds AB24 3TS. I spent 20 years in industrial research in multi-national and start-up companies. A fellowship offers support, flexibility and freedom for you to develop high-quality research ideas and outputs, raise the profile of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and EPSRC, and gain the experience you need to help you move to the next stage of your career. Please ensure that any nominations meet the EPSRC policy on conflicts of interest. EPSRC assessment processes, including expert reviewing and panels, may acknowledge the impact of university contributions, but will not consider the level of matched university funding as a factor on which to base funding decisions. These awards are supported through the University of Southampton's EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership grant (DTP), and are allocated through a competitive tender. call, type or mode: Quantum Technology Career Development Fellowship. EPSRC standard grants | Mathematical Institute - University of Oxford The reviewer form asks reviewers to comment on the national importance of the research. Postdoctoral researchers Dr Karen Hampson. the opportunity to develop your national and international networks. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help us test new developments. When assessing the support from the host, more is not inherently better. Check our Funding finder for details of the latest funding opportunities across UKRI. If you want to work part-time, you can hold your EPSRC fellowship part-time as well, at a minimal level of 50%. EPSRC is part of UK Research and Innovation, a new body which works in partnership with universities, research organisations, businesses, charities, and government to create the best possible environment for research and innovation to flourish. This is the integrated website of the seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Elegance of presentation is not, of itself, an assessment criterion for an EPSRC grant. You are asked to comment on the effectiveness of the proposed planning and management arrangements in the proposal. Engineering Fellowship Interview Panel 29 and 30 January 2020 Proposal Processing Panel Panel Name: Engineering Fellowship Interview Panel 29 and 30 January 2020 Date of Panel: 29 January 2020 Panel Contact: Brown, Zoe In exceptional circumstances, panel membership may change at a late stage. resources and management (secondary criterion). have identified training and development needs to enable you to expand or enhance your role and career. Contact us; Legal. You should also consider that this unequal impact may continue beyond the return to work. The things you must do before you start your application for a fellowship: You must apply using the Joint Electronic Submission system (Je-S). We will not accept uninvited resubmissions of projects that have been submitted to UKRI or any other funder.

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epsrc fellowship interview