
Apr 21

nj title 40 police promotions

Section 40:55D-66.17 - Findings, declarations, definitions, relative to tiny home occupancy on vacant municipal land. Morning sessions are held from 9:30am - 1:30pm. Section 40:55D-144 - Characteristics of sending zone. Section 40:33-13.14 - Agreements with municipalities not served by regional library. Section 40:52-11 - Operation of rooming, boarding house, license required, Section 40:52-12 - Application for license; fees. Section 40:54D-3 - Definitions relative to tourist improvement and development. Police Training ACT. Section 40:56-84 - Annual budget; public hearing; amendment; adoption by municipal governing body, Section 40:56-85 - Annual licenses for business within special improvement district; fees; special account, Section 40:56-86 - Delegation of work by municipality; approval of work, Section 40:56-87 - Inclusion of pedestrian mall or special improvement district in other improvement or rehabilitation district. Section 40:41A-126 - Effective date of administrative code, Section 40:41A-127 - Existing resolutions remain in force where not inconsistent, Section 40:41A-128 - Appointments between election and time of taking office under optional plan; pending actions and proceedings, Section 40:41A-129 - Employees in the classified service, Section 40:41A-129.1 - Counties of first class; appointment of aides; unclassified service, Section 40:41A-130 - County administration of civil service, Section 40:41A-131 - Procedures for establishment of county department of civil service, Section 40:41A-133 - Preparation and submission of budget; budgetary process, Section 40:41A-134 - Scope of budget and message, Section 40:41A-138 - Appropriation requests; allotments, Section 40:41A-142 - Person charged; newspapers; qualifications. The current minimum salary for Cleaner/Maintainer's Helpers is $13.61 per hour for a 40-hour week.3609. Section 40:11-17 - Salaries not affected by 1930 census or reclassification act; exceptions, Section 40:11-17.1 - Salaries not affected by 1940 census or reclassification act; exceptions, Section 40:11-22 - Pensions on death of policemen or firemen killed in line of duty; amounts, Section 40:11-24 - Prospective payment with respect to members killed after January 1, 1956, Section 40:11-25 - Inclusion of necessary amounts in budget, Section 40:11A-2 - Declaration of necessity of legislation, Section 40:11A-4 - Creation of parking authorities. Andrew Baldino, Ptl. Section 40:48-8.49 - Fees; collection, administration. Section 40:56-83 - District management corporation; powers. Section 40:55D-64 - Referral to planning board. Section 40:62-149 - Powers of condemnation, Section 40:62-150 - Certain boards and commissions unaffected, Section 40:62-150.1 - Names of employees of water commissions established by two or more municipalities in second class counties between 300,000 and 325,000, Section 40:62-150.2 - Classification, without examination in classified service. Section 40:48F-5 - Collection, administration of tax. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, There is a newer version Section 40:55D-23 - Planning board membership. Section 40:8-3 - County airports; general powers. Section 40:12-16.1 - Adoption of prioritized list of eligible farmland. Section 40:55D-8.8 - Applicability of section. A county or municipal appointing authority may elect to provide, through adoption of an ordinance or resolution, as appropriate, that employees in police and fire titles may exercise previously held demotional rights, pursuant to 4A:8-2.2 (f) against employees in any layoff unit in the jurisdiction. Section 40:56-13.1 - Clean energy special assessment, financing through bonds. Section 40:48-2.12t - Senior Citizen Priority Parking Program created by municipality. Section 40:55D-141 - Development transfer plan element, required inclusions. Municipalities and Counties New Jersey Statutes Title 40. Title 40A. Section 40:48E-3 - Additional tax may be imposed. 2020 Police Sergeant, Lieutenant and Captain Exams Please find the key dates for the promotional exams and the listing of participating departments. Section 40:43-66.41 - Question of forming consolidation commission submitted to voters; alternative methods. September 2022 Law Enforcement Status Report; Municipal Police Title Series. Get free summaries of new opinions delivered to your inbox! 2022 New Jersey Revised Statutes Title 40A - Municipalities and Counties Section 40A:14-54 - Firemen in the performance of their duties to have powers of police officers. Section 40:66A-17 - Real property, acquisition of; condemnation. Section 40:55D-88.5 - Powers, duties of commission. Promotion of members and officers in certain municipalities Section 40:62-26 - Municipal radio broadcasting stations; bonds, Section 40:62-27 - Separate fund for radio stations or convention halls in certain municipalities, Section 40:62-28 - Income placed in separate fund; control of fund, Section 40:62-29 - Use of income; reserves, Section 40:62-30 - Surplus used to meet bonds, Section 40:62-33 - Expenditures defined; payment of debts in instalments, Section 40:62-34 - Income not part of municipal funds; management; inapplication of "local budget law", Section 40:62-34.1 - "Municipal convention hall budget" and "municipal radio broadcasting station budget" in municipalities of 60,000 or over, Section 40:62-34.2 - Objections to and hearing on budgets, Section 40:62-34.3 - Time and place of hearing; notice, Section 40:62-34.4 - Adjournment of hearing; adoption of budget; alteration or amendment; notice, Section 40:62-34.5 - Time limit for adoption, Section 40:62-34.7 - Appropriations to be itemized, Section 40:62-34.8 - Emergency appropriations, Section 40:62-34.9 - Improvement of convention hall by municipalities bordering on ocean; issuance of special emergency notes, Section 40:62-34.10 - Filing of ordinance and statement of financing plan with Division of Local Government, Section 40:62-34.11 - Special emergency notes as general obligation of municipality; tax levy, Section 40:62-34.12 - Sale of notes; interest rate, Section 40:62-35 - May carry goods and passengers; acquisition of lands, buildings and equipment, Section 40:62-36 - Referendum; petition; submission by governing body, Section 40:62-37 - Copy of ordinance served; ballot; form and content, Section 40:62-38 - Notice and conduct of election, Section 40:62-39 - Procedure after adoption, Section 40:62-41 - Officers and employees; duties, compensation and removal; rates and regulations, Section 40:62-42 - Contract for work and materials; requirements, Section 40:62-44 - Extension of system; referendum; when necessary, Section 40:62-45 - Lease of system; term; referendum, Section 40:62-46 - Joint municipal transportation system; contracts, Section 40:62-46.1 - Cities of second class in counties of second class; public transportation service, Section 40:62-46.2 - Contracts for operation of public transportation service, Section 40:62-46.4 - Approval of contracts; filing; term, Section 40:62-46.5 - Contracts with other municipalities; ratification; approval, Section 40:62-46.6 - Effective date; duration of act, Section 40:62-61.1 - Extension of existing water system by municipality not owning system, Section 40:62-83.1 - Discontinuance of water or sewerage service where charges not paid, Section 40:62-96 - Water districts; establishment; works and pumping stations; contracts for supply, Section 40:62-97 - Notice to owners of lands affected; publication, Section 40:62-98 - Objections to ordinance; filing, Section 40:62-99 - Copy of ordinance filed with map, Section 40:62-100 - Bonds and other obligations, Section 40:62-101 - Water district assessments; exemption, Section 40:62-103 - Expenses of operation and maintenance; first year's expenses; notes issued. authorized; period of leases, Section 40:61-38 - Lease voided upon violation of terms, Section 40:61-39 - Letting to highest bidder, Section 40:61-40 - Advertisement for bids, Section 40:61-41 - Power deemed additional, Section 40:62-1 - Accounts; supervision by board of public utility commissioners, Section 40:62-2 - Records pertaining to utilities; report to public utility commissioners; standards of operation and service. Section 40:41A-125 - Adoption of the administrative code. Section 40:62-3.1 - Transfer of water utility system serving less than 5% of population; ordinance; authorization; terms; approval, Section 40:62-4 - Resolution authorizing sale or lease; advertisement for bids, Section 40:62-5 - Ordinance providing referendum; ballot; form and content, Section 40:62-6 - Use of proceeds of sale or lease; investment pending use, Section 40:62-7 - Establishment; lands and buildings; acquisition and construction; use and regulation, Section 40:62-8 - Joint municipal airports, Section 40:62-9 - Bonds to be obligations of single municipality, Section 40:62-10 - Establishment; appropriation; lands, buildings and equipment, Section 40:62-11 - Management; prices fixed; ordinances and resolutions, Section 40:62-12 - Municipal gas, steam and electricity plants; establishment and equipment; consent of other municipalities; procedure on refusal, Section 40:62-13 - Officers and employees; ordinances to regulate use of facilities; rate fixing. Section 40:55D-45.3 - Submission of general development plan. Section 40:62-104 - Supervision, operation and maintenance; collection of charges; contracts. Section 40:48-5.1 - Contracts with humane societies where no pound established; advertisement unnecessary, Section 40:48-5.2 - Contracts for separation of grades at railroad crossings, Section 40:48-5.3 - Exhibitions of products and industries; poultry or agricultural exhibitions, Section 40:48-5.4 - Celebration of public event, anniversary or holiday, Section 40:48-5.10 - Amendment of permission granted by municipality to comply with federal regulations, Section 40:48-5.11 - Right of municipality to grant permission for interconnection of systems in operation prior to June 17, 1971, Section 40:48-6 - Records kept and business conducted in municipal building; vaults, Section 40:48-7 - Power of taxation; generally, Section 40:48-7.1 - Tax credit for properties with service charges payable to other municipality, Section 40:48-8.15 - Retail sales tax in fourth class cities. Section 40:69A-43 - Municipal departments, number. Section 40:23-8.9 - Volunteer fire companies; appropriation to aid; uniforms. Section 40:11A-4.1 - Authorization for parking authority to serve as redevelopment entity. Section 40:54D-31 - Authorization to collect rates, charges, fees for use of projects, Section 40:54D-33 - Government entity may convey property, Section 40:54D-34 - Cooperation of county, municipality. Section 40:54D-27 - Report filed with Local Finance Board. Section 40:84-12 - Recall of councilmen; petition, Section 40:84-13 - Notice of recall served; order for recall election, Section 40:84-14 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:84-15 - Removal of more than one councilman, Section 40:84-16 - Ballot for election of successor of recalled councilman, Section 40:84-17 - Notice of recall election, Section 40:84-18 - Vote required for recall, Section 40:84-19 - Councilmen to continue in office if recall lost, Section 40:85-1 - After four years may abandon this form of government; procedure, Section 40:85-2 - Petition for submission; proposition stated, Section 40:85-3 - Petition; form and content, Section 40:85-4 - Petition; affidavit annexed, Section 40:85-5 - Petition need not be on single paper; affidavit annexed, Section 40:85-6 - Minor deviations permissible, Section 40:85-7 - Clerk to examine petitions; amendments, Section 40:85-8 - Municipal council to pass resolution to place question on ballot, Section 40:85-9 - County clerk to place question on ballot, Section 40:85-10 - Vote required for adoption; effect of adoption; certain officers unaffected. TO ACCESS THE PROMOTION SCREEN From the Menu Bar, select New Transaction. Section 40:69A-25.2 - Alternative under 40:69A-25.1, transition provisions, Section 40:69A-25.3 - Group C alternative; adoption; transitional provisions, Section 40:69A-25.4 - Group D alternative; adoption; transitional provisions, Section 40:69A-25.5 - Group E alternative; adoption; transitional provisions, Section 40:69A-26 - Laws governing after adoption of optional form of government, Section 40:69A-27 - Municipality remains body corporate and politic; name, Section 40:69A-28 - "General law" defined. Section 40:8-7 - Annual expenditures; taxation for, Section 40:8-8 - Airport security officers, Section 40:8-11 - Powers of airport security officers, Section 40:8-13 - Traffic laws; enforcement, Section 40:8-14 - Airport security officers; weapons, Section 40:8C-2 - Development of biotechnology, not regulated; nonapplicability of act, Section 40:9-2.1 - Acquisition, improvement, operation and equipment of public transportation passenger or freight rail line, Section 40:9-2.2 - Lease or sale of space and facilities for conduct of carrier's business; contracts for conduct of other commercial activities, Section 40:9-2.3 - Appropriation of funds; bonds or notes, Section 40:9A-1 - Federation of city-county libraries, Section 40:9A-3 - Interlibrary loan services; free use by residents. Section 40:48-1.6 - Findings, declarations relative to private outdoor video surveillance cameras. Section 40:54D-25.1 - Transfer of assets, obligations, etc. Section 40:55D-53.1 - Interest on deposits with municipalities, Section 40:55D-53.2 - Municipal payments to professionals for services rendered; determination, Section 40:55D-53.2a - Applicant notification to dispute charges; appeals; rules, regulations, Section 40:55D-53.3 - Maintenance, performance guarantees, Section 40:55D-53.4 - Municipal engineer to estimate cost of installation of improvements, Section 40:55D-53.5 - Performance of maintenance guarantee, acceptance, Section 40:55D-53.6 - Municipality to assume payment of cost of street lighting, Section 40:55D-54 - Recording of final approval of major subdivision; filing of all subdivision plats, Section 40:55D-54.1 - Notification to tax assessor of municipality, Section 40:55D-55 - Selling before approval; penalty; suits by municipalities, Section 40:55D-56 - Certificates showing approval; contents, Section 40:55D-57 - Right of owner of land covered by certificate, Section 40:55D-58 - Condominiums and cooperative structures and uses, Section 40:55D-60 - Planning board review in lieu of board of adjustment. Section 40:14B-40.1 - Findings, declarations relative to infrastructure maintenance. Section 40:48-2.12s - Ordinances to regulate care, maintenance, security and upkeep of certain residential communities. The ordinance may provide for the appointment of a chief of police and such members, officers and personnel as shall be deemed necessary, the determination of their terms of office, the fixing of their compensation and the prescription of their powers, functions and duties, all as the governing body shall deem necessary for the effective Section 40:14B-40.2 - Pilot program to allow county utilities authorities to fund infrastructure improvements. Section 40:14B-20.1 - Interest on deposits with municipal authorities, Section 40:14B-20.2 - Service charge by utility authority for returned check. ", Section 40:33-13.2j - "Service Contract Option. Section 40:14B-41 - Interest on unpaid service charges, Section 40:14B-42 - Lien for service charge, Section 40:14B-43 - Failure to pay service charge; shut off of service, Section 40:14B-44 - Failure to pay sewer service charge; shut off of water, Section 40:14B-45 - Enforcement of service charges, Section 40:14B-46 - Civil action to recover unpaid service charge, Section 40:14B-47 - Cumulative and concurrent rights and remedies, Section 40:14B-48 - Grant of utilities to authority, Section 40:14B-49 - Contracts for treatment and disposal of sewage or solid waste, Section 40:14B-50 - Effectuating terms of contracts, Section 40:14B-51 - Connections with or closing off other public facilities, Section 40:14B-53 - Availability of maps, plans, specifications, records, books and accounts, Section 40:14B-54 - Payment of service charges owed by public bodies, Section 40:14B-55 - Connections with sewerage system required, Section 40:14B-56 - Reports by water distributors within district, Section 40:14B-57 - Stoppage of water by water distributor, Section 40:14B-58 - Disposal or encumbrance of utility, Section 40:14B-60 - Discharge of sewage; discharges into sewage, solid waste or water systems; violations; injunction, Section 40:14B-61 - Approval of sewage disposal plants within district, Section 40:14B-62 - Investment in bonds of authority, Section 40:14B-64 - Guarantee of vested rights of bondholders, Section 40:14B-65 - Undertakings for deposits of municipal authority, Section 40:14B-67 - Filing of copy of bond resolution, Section 40:14B-71 - Findings, declarations relative to municipal review, approval of plans for utility improvements, Section 40:14B-72 - Definitions relative to municipal review, approval of plans for utility improvements, Section 40:14B-73 - Conditions of final site plan approval, Section 40:14B-74 - Payments to professionals for services rendered to municipal authority, Section 40:14B-75 - Maintenance, performance guarantee; cash requirement, Section 40:14B-76 - Disputes by applicant of charges made by professional; appeal, Section 40:14B-77 - Estimate of cost of installation of improvements, Section 40:14B-78 - Acceptance of performance, maintenance guarantee which is irrevocable letter of credit. Section 40:56-55 - Correction without appeal. Section 40:3-5 - Commission to supersede all commissions; body corporate; disbursements; investments Section 40:3-6 - Certain officers to act when commission not functioning Section 40:62-13.1 - Rates, schedules established by municipal utility providing electricity. Section 40:43-66.57 - Discharge of commission, Section 40:43-66.58 - Recommendations in final report, Section 40:43-66.60 - Special charter; petition to legislature upon approval of plan by voters. Section 40:48H-8 - Covenant of State with bondholders. Section 40:54A-8 - Compliance of charges with terms of lease or other agreement; adjustment of rates; basis, Section 40:54A-9 - Acquisition of realty; manner; eminent domain, Section 40:54A-10 - Competition with public utility prohibited, Section 40:54A-11 - Annual report of authority; rights and powers of municipality; appropriations; use of funds; budget; record of accounts, Section 40:54C-1 - Tourist development commission; creation by ordinance; members; term of office; vacancies; service without compensation, Section 40:54C-2 - Organization, regulation of commission, Section 40:54C-3 - Disbursement authority, Section 40:54C-4 - Records; reports; disbursements not in accordance with purpose of act, Section 40:54C-5 - Joint action with other commission, Section 40:54C-6 - Advertisements exempt from public bidding, Section 40:54C-7 - Authority of commission, Section 40:54D-2 - Findings, determinations relative to tourism improvement and development. Section 40:44-17 - Adjustment of boundaries; continuance in office of elected officers, Section 40:44-18 - Inapplicability of act to wards or ward boundaries existing on January 12, 1982, Section 40:45-1 - When held; law applicable, Section 40:45-2 - Section 40:45-1 inapplicable in certain cases, Section 40:45-3 - Time for holding; publication and notice; procedure, Section 40:45-4 - Time for holding district elections; school districts unaffected. Section 40:85-11 - Nomination, election of officers for new government. Section 40:55D-12 - Notices of application, requirements. Section 40:66A-8 - Incinerator, environmental services authority charges. Section 40:81-3 - Members elected at large, Section 40:81-4 - Members of first council; election and terms. Section 40:37-203 - Powers of park police. Section 40:62-105 - Necessary powers conferred, Section 40:62-105.1 - Water commissioners; election; to perform duties exercised by township committee, Section 40:62-105.2 - Commissioners to be body corporate; name; general powers, Section 40:62-105.3 - Determination of amount to be raised for ensuing year; election of water commissioners, Section 40:62-105.4 - Terms of members of board of water commissioners, Section 40:62-105.6 - Annual election in water districts, Section 40:62-105.7 - Nomination of candidates for members of board, Section 40:62-105.8 - Nominating petition; certificate of person indorsed, Section 40:62-105.9 - One candidate's name on petition; number of petitions, Section 40:62-105.10 - Verification of petition, Section 40:62-105.11 - Filing of petition, Section 40:62-105.12 - Defective nominating petitions, Section 40:62-105.13 - Ballots; arrangement of candidate's names, Section 40:62-105.14 - Ballots, specifications, Section 40:62-105.16 - Paper on which ballots to be printed, Section 40:62-105.17 - Registry list of preceding general election; persons becoming of age after preceding general election, Section 40:62-105.18 - Advertisement of election, Section 40:62-105.20 - Opening and closing of polls; books for names of voters, Section 40:62-105.21 - Proclamation of opening of election; judge and tellers, Section 40:62-105.23 - Announcement of results of election, Section 40:62-105.24 - Appropriations voted on, form of question, Section 40:62-105.26 - Borrowing for current expenses and repairs, Section 40:62-105.27 - Rights and powers of water commissioners, Section 40:62-105.28 - Money for waterworks and appurtenances; vote; limitation, Section 40:62-105.29 - Meeting to determine amount to be raised; notice, Section 40:62-105.30 - Water accumulation, supply or distribution facilities; acquisition or construction, Section 40:62-105.31 - Resolution authorizing issuance of bonds; time and place of meeting; notices, Section 40:62-105.32 - Conduct of election, Section 40:62-105.33 - Bonds; form; issuance, Section 40:62-105.34 - Payment of principal, interest on bonds, Section 40:62-105.35 - Custodian of moneys; disbursements; bond of treasurer, Section 40:62-105.36 - Auditing of books of treasurer; publication of audit, Section 40:62-105.37 - Enlargement of water district, Section 40:62-105.38 - Lands included in district after enlargement, Section 40:62-105.39 - Effect of enlargement upon terms of officers and obligations of district, Section 40:62-105.40 - Dissolution of water district, Section 40:62-105.41 - Application for resolution dissolving district; notice; hearing, Section 40:62-105.42 - Refund of tax paid upon property in district abolished, Section 40:62-105.43 - Refund of taxes paid where no recital of laying off of water district appears upon records, Section 40:62-105.44 - Water district deemed abandoned when territory formed into two or more new municipalities, Section 40:62-105.45 - Allotment and division of property and money between new municipalities; "municipality" defined, Section 40:62-106 - Consolidation of water and sewer systems, Section 40:62-107 - Service shut off for nonpayment of rent, Section 40:62-107.1 - Sale of municipal water plant; deficit; amortization, Section 40:62-107.2 - Application to state auditor, Section 40:62-107.3 - Liberal construction, Section 40:62-107.4 - Purchase of water distribution system of adjoining municipality. Wall Township Police Department (732) 449-4500 - 2022 MADD Award 2 months ago On Thursday, December 1, 2022, Ptl. Section 40:14A-8a - Sewerage authority may charge additional fees under certain circumstances. Section 40:45-10 - Designation of candidate on ballot, Section 40:45-10.1 - Designation of committee on vacancies, Section 40:45-11 - Nomination for one office only, Section 40:45-12 - Order of names of candidates on ballot; drawing lots, Section 40:45-13 - Publication of names of candidates, Section 40:45-14 - Persons with same name; statement of identification on ballot. Section 40:37-155 - Powers of park police. Section 40:66-1.3 - Reimbursement of multifamily dwelling. Civil Service Commission Revives and Extends Public Safety Promotional Lists TRENTON - The New Jersey Civil Service Commission revived and extended certain expired public safety promotional titles during a meeting on Wednesday, March 24, 2021. . Section 40:48G-1 - Definitions relative to surcharge on admission charges at certain major places of amusement; authorization, contents of ordinance. Law Enforcement Officers Training and Equipment Fund Rules (LEOTEF RULES) Section 40:37A-50 - Powers vested in members, quorum; minutes, approval. Section 40:48-2.65 - Definitions; impoundment of shopping carts by municipalities. Section 40:55D-3 - Definitions; shall, may; A to C. Section 40:55D-8 - Municipal fees; exemptions. Section 40:10-11 - County, municipal appropriations for veterans' memorials, Section 40:10A-4 - Local historian; establishment of position by local government; reimbursement of expenses; appointment; term, Section 40:10A-5 - Vesting duties and responsibilities of local historian in chairperson of county cultural and heritage commission, Section 40:10A-6 - Local historian of county; assistance to municipalities, Section 40:10A-7 - Powers and responsibilities of local historian; annual report, Section 40:10A-8 - Employment of clerical assistants, Section 40:10B-2 - Legislative findings and declarations, Section 40:10B-3 - Historic cemeteries; restoration, maintenance or preservation by county or municipality; appropriations. Section 40:48H-5 - Assignment of proceeds to trustee. Section 40:48-2.58 - Municipality prohibited from limiting, prohibiting display of U.S. flag, yellow ribbons, signs in support of troops. Section 40:55D-8.2 - Findings, declarations relative to Statewide non-residential development fees. Section 40:55D-136.3 - Definitions relative to extension of certain permits and approvals. to the sports authority. Section 40:55D-148 - Real estate market analysis. Section 40:43-66.46 - Certification of election results. Section 40:69A-43a - Administrative department salaries, Section 40:69A-43.1 - Deputy director of department, Section 40:69A-43.2 - Powers and duties of deputy, Section 40:69A-44 - Department of administration; director; qualifications; powers and duties, Section 40:69A-45 - Preparation of budget, Section 40:69A-46 - Budget submitted to council, Section 40:69A-46.1 - Mayor-council plan deadline, Section 40:69A-47 - System of work programs and quarterly allotments, Section 40:69A-60.2 - Powers and duties of deputies, secretaries and aides, Section 40:69A-60.3 - Municipalities over 300,000; department of administration; assistant business administrator, Section 40:69A-60.4 - Powers and duties of assistant business administrator. Section 40:55D-43 - Standards for the establishment of open space organization. Section 40:12-15.2 - Submission by county of proposition authorizing annual levy. Section 40:48-17.1 - Surplus revenues or anticipated receipts; use for school purposes; budget, Section 40:48-17.3 - Surplus revenues or anticipated receipts; use for school purposes; budget, Section 40:48-17.5 - Financing project; bonds; use of proceeds to repay federal advances, Section 40:48-17.7 - Establishment of special reserve accounts for school building construction; transfer of funds, Section 40:48-17.8 - Transfer of funds to school district, Section 40:48-18 - Joint municipal and county work; referendum when a public utility, Section 40:48-19 - Joint contract for work; amendments, Section 40:48-20 - Joint acquisition of lands, buildings and equipment; officers and employees, Section 40:48-21 - Financing joint project, Section 40:48-22 - Organization of municipalities for mutual welfare; officers, Section 40:48-23 - Representation in joint organization; contribution to support; representative's expenses, Section 40:48-24 - Special meetings of governing body, Section 40:48-25 - Municipal investigation committees; power to issue subpoenas; service of, Section 40:48-26 - Refusal of witness to testify; punishment by Superior Court, Section 40:48-28 - Oaths administered; perjury, Section 40:48A-1 - Acquisition, construction and maintenance of public improvements, works, etc.

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nj title 40 police promotions