
Apr 21

actors who signed petition for roman polanski

At this point, they wont be helping to heal the situation, nor will they vindicate this womans suffering at his hands. BTW, courts do not drop cases because victims want them dropped. ArtMoscow: Breathtaking, your self-delusion. The names on the petition include Natalie Portman, Tilda Swinton, Isabelle Huppert, Penelope Cruz, Diane von Furstenberg, Wes Anderson, Darren Aronofsky, Martin Scorsese, Monica Bellucci, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Harmony Korine, Ethan Cohen, David Lynch, and Harrison Ford. And I was like, sure. Juries want to fuck young girls everyone wants to fuck young girls! (Amis, clearly shocked, wrote: Even Humbert Humbert realised that young girls dont really know whether they are willing or not. 4. And, to anyone calling this a case of morals: This is not an example of American Puritanical values gone wrong. What purpose does it serve to lock up Mr. Polanski when the prison space could be used to protect the public from violent offenders? And here is another Free Polanski petition, this one organized by writer/philosopher Bernard-Henri Lvy. Alongside Asia Argento and Emma Thompson, Natalie Portman remains one of the few celebrities to apologize for signing the petition. Go ahead delete my anti hollywood post I feel better for posting it even if I already knew only equivocators and apologist for polanski need post, the uber leftist oh so talented equivocators make me want to hurl. The petition demanding "the immediate release" of Polanski attracted more than 100 signatures(Opens in a new tab), including Wes Anderson, Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen, TildaSwinton and Wong Kar Wai. We should not however allow him to ever enter this country again. so roman polanski is sayong it was consensual,and i have no reason to disbeleive him.no one was there,to know the exact facts. I think the Times Up initiative is wonderful: Ive donated to it because I believe it will make a difference. Cruz additionally attended the Golden Globes ceremony last month in a black lace gown to show support for the Times Up initiative. An Open Letter to All Those Celebrities Who Signed the Roman Polanski Alexandre Tylski They protect their own, I protect my own. She is not an adult. In recent months, Polanskis supporters in Britain and the US, who were once so vocal in his defence, have been notable by their silence. There are no hazy conspiracy theories we know exactly what happened because Polanski admitted to it and later wrote about it in astonishing detail in his autobiography, Roman by Polanski, published six years after he left the US and went to France, where he still lives. Linda, what you think should happen and what is mandated by law are two very different things. He engaged in non-consenting sex acts with a child. Only one person who signed the petition agrees to speak on the record: the actor Asia Argento, who has since accused Weinstein of abusing her. He should be in jail. Festival organisers rejected German actress Claudia Eisinger's call to lay out a black carpet in solidarity with sexual violence survivors, despite over 23,000 people signing her petition. I foolishly went along. Believe it or not, I believe that you and I agree. Well, so do I. if i was in her position, i would say anything as well. Here are some tips and tricks to help you find the answer to "Wordle" #623. Miguel Courtois Serge Toubiana Woody Allen supports him-big shocker (the guy who is now married to the woman who was essentially his stepdaughter). And I think we live in a post-Hamilton world where we don't even need to think about what's authentic to the character, like faithful to the character," Portman said. Marc Guidoni Its not that people are not aware of the charges. Broadly reached out to Anderson to ask if he regrets supporting Polanski, but he declined to reply by the time of publication. And I was like, sure. I start by emailing Zenovich to ask if she feels attitudes towards Polanski have changed since she made her movie and its follow-up, Roman Polanski: Odd Man Out, about the Zurich arrest. List of individuals who have signed (as of Oct. 7) the Free Roman Polanski petition organized by the Socit des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques (SACD): Michael A. Russ Erika Abrams, Fatih Akin, Yves Alberty, Stephane Allagnon, Woody Allen, Pedro Almodvar, Gianni Amelio, Greta Amend, Wes Anderson, Michel Andrieu, Roger Andrieux, Pascale Angelini, Yannick Angelloznicoud Jean-Jacques Annaud, Tomas Arana, Frdric Aranzueque-Arrieta, Alexandre Arcady, Fanny Ardant, Asia Argento, Marie-Hlne Arnau, Stphane Arnoux, Darren Aronofsky, Olivier Assayas, Alexander Astruc, Simone Audissou, Gabriel Auer, Zdzicho Augustyniak, Alexandre Babel, Vladimir Bagrianski, Lubomila Bakardi, Fausto Nicols Balbi, Eleonor Baldwin, Jean-Franois Balmer, Alberto Barbera (Museo nazionale de Torino), Sylvie Bardet-Borel, Luc Barnier, Christophe Barratier, Ernest Barteldes, Carmen Bartl, Pascal Batigne, Anne Baudry, Henning Bauer, Tone Bay Juan Antonio Bayona, Xavier Beauvois, Liria Begeja, Matthieu Bguelin, Gilles Behat, Jean-Jacques Beineix, Marco Bellochio, Yannick Bellon, Florence Bellone, Monica Bellucci, Vra Belmont, Jacqueline Belon, Jean-Marc Benguigui, Djamel Bennecib, Sad Ben-Said Luc Braud, Jean-Pierre Berckmans, Jacob Berger, Christof Berger, Alain Berliner, Gael Garcia Bernal, Pascal Berney, Xavier Berry, Bernardo Bertolucci, Giuseppe Bertolucci, Jean-Marie Besset, Nico Beyer, Marlne Bisson, Arnstein Bjrkly, Lucien Blacher, Virginie Blanc-Brude Bard, Jean-Marc Bloch, La Bloch, Catherine Boissire, Anne-Sylvie Bonaud, Olivier Bonnet, Thierry Boscheron, Renata Bosco, Freddy Bossy, Jacqueline Bouchard, Louise Anne Bouchard Patrick Bouchitey, Cdric Bouchoucha, Paul Boujenah, Patrice Bourbon, Frdric Bourboulon, Etienne Boussac, Katia Boutin, Elizabeth Brach Ian Brady, Jacques Bral, Sophie Bramly, Paulo Branco, Patrick Braoud, Guila Braoud, Edwin Brienen, Adrien Brody, Isabelle Brou, Max Brun, Merima Bruncevic, Bastien Brunel Anne Burki, Andr Buytaers, Emilie Buzyn, Anthony Byrne, Marco Cacioppo, Gerald Calderon, Monica Cannizzaro, Peggy Carajopoulou-Vavali, John Carchietta, Christian Carion, Henning Carlsen, Jean-Michel Carr, Esteban Carvajal Alegria, Lionel Cassan, Bryan Cassiday, Miss Catadler, Steve Catieau Mathieu Celary, Teco Celio, Muriel Cerf, Dabiel Chabannes, Thierry Chabert, Chagi, Jean-Yves Chalangeas, Daniel Champagnon, Christophe Champclaux, Georges Chappedelaine , Litseselidis Charalampos Yann Charbonnier, David Charhon, Fabienne Chauveau, Claire Chazal, Patrice Chreau, Brigitte Chesneau, Marie-Christine Chesneau, Michel Chevalier, Mishka Cheyko, Catherine Chiono, Catherine Chouchan, Elie Chouraqui, Alex Cichy, Souleymane Ciss, Jean- Pierre Clech, Henri Codenie, Robert Cohen, Olivier Cohen, Catherine Colassin, Suzanne Colonna, Jean-Paul Commin, Andrea Concato, Anne Consigny, Alain Cophignon, Antony Cordier, Alain Corneau, Jrme Cornuau, Bruno Coulais Guy Courtecuisse, Miguel Courtois, Antoine Courtray, Guillaume Cousin, Morgan Crestel, Rudyard Cretenet, Dominique Crevecoeur, Alfonso Cuaron, Estelle Cywje, Nicola DUgo, Frdric Damien, Sophie Danon, Olivier Dard, Luc et Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Isabelle Dassonville, Sophie Davidas, Bruno de Almeida, Marion de Bla, Franois de Lamothe, Herv de Luze, Artus de Penguern, Valrie de Saint-Do, Virginie De Wilde, Christel de Wit, Olivier Debert, Viviane Decuypere, Guillermo del Toro, Alain Delannoy, Benot Delmas, Michel Deloore, Jonathan Demme, Nicolaine den Breejen, Ruud den Dryver, Louisa Dent, Edwin Dervaux, Dante Desarthe, Romain Desbiens, Sophie Deschamps, Thomas Desjonqures, Alexandre Desplat, Chris Devi, Rosalinde et Michel Deville, Guillaume DHam, Christelle Didier, Kathrin DiPaola, Claire Dixsaut, Julien Doger, Catherine Doire, Xavier Dolan, Helen Donlon, Ariel Dorfman, Kristen Doty, Jean Douchet, Thierry Drean, Fabrice du Welz, Marina Duarte Nunes Ferreira, Danile Dubroux, Marc Dufrenois, Martine Dugowson, Franois Duhamel, Sissi Duparc, Jean Dusaussoy, Daniel Edinger, Arne Eickenberg, Yaniv Elani, Gernimo Elortegui, Elrem, Sam Enoch, Peter Lucas Erixon, Ernest, Ann Eyckmans, Nicolas Fagard Jacques Fansten, Jol Farges, Gianluca Farinelli (Cinmathque de de Bologne), Etienne Faure, Pierre Antoine Faure, Maud et Romain Ferrari, Michel Ferry, Jean Teddy Filippe, Aurlie Fiorentino, Alan Fischer, Bob Fischer, Martine Fitoussi, Sebastian Fleischhacker, Joy Fleury, Michael Flynn, Hugues Fontenoy, Scott Foundas, Werner Fraai, Jean-Robert Franco, Stephen Frears, Patrick Frgonara, Marion Frelat, Thierry Frmaux, Marc Freycon, Nadine Fruchard, Sam Gabarski, Dominique Gadoin, Jean Francois Gaillard, Ren Gainville, Sara Gandolfi, Fernand Garcia, Matteo Garone, Yves Gasser, Tony Gatlif, Catherine Gaudin-Montalto, Jean-Marc Gauthier, Costa Gavras, Christiane Gehl-Gabadou Nathalie Geiser, Lizi Gelber, Isabelle Gly, Jean-Marc Ghanassia, Alain Gil, Vronique Gillet, Terry Gilliam, Christian Gion, Franois Girault, Stphane Gizard, Nelson Gonzalez, Carlos Miguel Bernardo Gonzlez, Charles Andre Gordeaux, Christophe Goumand, Michel Gras, Eric Gravereau, Martin Gregus, Dominique Greusard, Thierry Grizard, Serge Grnberg Philippe Gruss, Geoffroy Guerrier, Florent Guzengar, Marc Guidoni, Marta Gutowska, Mikael Hfstrm, Lesly Hamilton, Catherine Hargreaves, Ronald Harwood, Dimitri Haulet, Geert Heirbaut, Buck Henry, Nicole Herbaut de Lamothe, Thoralf Herz, David Heyman, Laurent Heynemann, Joshua Highfield , Patrick Hirigoyen, Dominique Hollier, Isabelle Hontebeyrie, Frdric Horiszny, Andreas Horvath, Robert Hossein, Jean-Loup Hubert, Wendy Hudson, Allison Hull, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Gilles Jacob, Eric et Veronique et Nicolas Jacquelin, Olivier Jacquet, Just Jaeckin, Thomas Jahn, Olivia Janik, Nihad Christian Jarallah, Jean-Baptiste Jay, Anne Jeandet, Marie Jergan, Alain Jessua, Renate Jett, Sbastien Jimenez, Arthur Joff, Pierre Jolivet, Kent Jones (World Cinema Foundation), Erik Jrgensen, Peter Josy, Florence Joutel, Rmy Jouvin Bessire, Alexandra Julen, Paola Jullian, Roger Kahane, Pierre Kalfon, Elisabeth Kalinowski, Michel Kammoun, Pascal Kan, Reena Kanji, Nelly Kaplan, Wong Kar Wa, Katylodola, Nicolas Kermel, Darius Khondji, Nathalie Kiener, Ladislas Kijno, Luc Kinsch, Muriel Kintziger, Richard Klebinder, Jonathan Klein, Harmony Korinne, Jan Kounen, Andrzej Krakowski, Chantal Krakowski, Sylvia Kristel, Hanna Kudelski Diane Kurys, Elzbieta Kusak-Majchrzak, Emir Kusturica, Irene Kuznetzova, Jean Labadie, Eliane Lacroux, Eric Lagesse, Michel Laigle, Stphane Lam, John Landis, Claude Lanzmann, David Lanzmann, Andr Larqui, Pauline Larrieu, Jacques et Franoise Lassalle, Marc Latil, Carole Laure, Christine Laurent-Blixen, Pierre Laville, Emilien Lazaron, Eric Le Roy, Pierre Le Scouarnec, Fbio Leal, Vinciane Lecocq, Eric Lecocq, Patrice Leconte, Linda Lefebvre, Batrice Lefoulon, Delphine Legros, Claude Lelouch, Ann Lemonnier, Julieta Lencina, Alain Lenglet, Grard Lenne, Claudine Lenoir, Julie Lerouxel, Les Nanaqui, Larry Levine, Charlotte Levy, Lorraine Lvy, Pierre et Rene Lhomme, Katarzyna Lipinska, Marish Lippi Jean-Marc Loiseau, Jean-Claude Irving Longin, Marceline Loridan-Ivens, Nicole Lormeau, Joffrey Louis, Michael Louis Wells, Boris Loundine, Rachel Lowenstein, Catalina Lozano, Hugo Luczyc-Wyhowski, Flore Luquet, Laurence Lustyk, David Lynch, Bania Madjbar, Krzysztof Majchrzak, Velipekka Makkonen, Laurent Malet, Tim Malieckal, Guy Malugani, Erling Mandelmann, Michael Mann, Alessandro Marcelli, Yvon Marciano, Franois Margolin, Joseph Marin, Jean-Pierre Marois, Tonie Marshall, Alain Martin, Sandrine Martin, Danielle Martinetti, Florent Martinez, Didier Martiny, Mario Martone, Thierry Mathelin, Christine Mathis, Esmeralda Mattei, Nicolas Mauvernay, Yannick Mazet, Christopher, Spencer et Claire Mc Andrew, Natalie Mei, Michelle Granium Melman-Gory, Guillermo Menaldi, Mathieu Mercier, Muriel Mercier, Frdric Mermoud, Nicolas Mesdom, Laura Metaxa, Allison Michel, Radu Mihaileanu, Anna Mikropoulou, Jean-Louis Milesi, Claude Miller, Lionel Miniato, Eric Miot, Bernard Mirgain, Annie Misserey, Nelly Moaligou, Jean - Marc Modeste , Mario Monicelli, Miguel Morales, Jeanne Moreau, Frdric Moreau, Sarah Moreau-Flament, Gael Morel, Omayra Muiz Fernndez, Carmen Munoz, Stephanie Murat, Christian Mvogo Mbarga, Tim Myers, Anna N.Levine, Elisabeth Ngre Charles Nemes, Florence Nicolas, Juliette Nicolas-Donnard, Sandra Nicolier, Edouard Niermans, Rachel Nol, Rui Nogueira, Olivier Nolin, Alejandra Norambuena Skira, Anna Nordahl, Fabrice Nordmann, Fabrice O. Joubert, Marc Obron, Michel Ocelot, David Ogando, Mariana Oliveira Santos, Szentgyrgyi Ott, Martine Pags, Eric Pape, Vincent Pappalardo, Nadia Paschetto, Abner Pastoll, Alexander Payne, Guy Pchard, Nicola Pecorini, Richard Pena (Directeur Festival de NY), Lindsey Pence, Olivier Pre, Suzana Peric, Vladimir Perisic, Jacques Perrin, Cesare Petrillo, Thomas Pibarot, Michel Piccoli, Arnaud Pierrichon, Stphane Pietri, Anne Pigeon Bormans, Samuel Pinon, Claude Pinoteau, Jean Piva, Guillaume Pixie Michele Placido, Sabrina Poidevin, Agns Catherine Poirier, Emmanuel Pollaud-Dulian, Maud Pommier-Samaan, Jean-Yves Potel, Stphane Pozderec, Harry Prenger, Jean et Marie Prvost, Gilbert Primet, Stefanos Psaromiligas, Florence Quentin, Marie-Hlne Raby, Philippe Radault, Tristan Rain, Florence Raphal, Jean-Paul Rappeneau, Joseph Rassam, Rolandas Rastauskas, Brett Ratner, Raphael Rebibo, Redha, Ben Omar Redouan, Carol Reid, Dusan Reljin, Jo Reymen, Laurence Reymond, Yasmina Reza, Christiane Rhein, Jacques Richard, Dominique Robert, Margarita Robski, Jean-Jacques Rochut, Christian Rogler, Yannick Rolandeau, Michle Rollin Paul Rondags, Avital Ronell, Frank Roozendaal, Graciela Rosato, michle Rossi-Ducci Elisabeth Roudinesco, Kontochristopoulou Roula, Laurence Roulet, Joshua Rout, Paolo Roversi, Didier Roy, Jacques Rozier, Charles Rubinstein, Isabelle Ruh, Martin Ruhe, Sonia Rykiel, Anita S. Chang, Esteban S. Goffin, Joaquin Sabina, Marc Saffar, Ludivine Sagnier, Gabriela Salazar Scherman, Walter Salles, Jean-Paul Salom, Jean-Frdric Samie, Marc Sandberg, Lo Scalpel, Jerry Schatzberg, Richard Schlesinger, Kirstin Schlotter, Daniel Schmidt, Georg Schmithsen, Julian Schnabel, Pierre Schoendoerffer, Barbet Schroeder, J. Neil Schulman, Pierre Schumacher, Pierre-Alexandre Schwab, Ettore Scola, Luis Gustavo Sconza Zaratin Soares, Martin Scorsese, Carole Scotta, Steven Sedgwick, Andrea Sedlackova, Frank Segier, Michle Seguin-Sirhugue, Guy Seligmann, Dominique Sels, Elis Semczuk, Lorenzo Semple Jr, Julien Seri, Jol Sria, Catherine Sermet, Olivier Sror, Ken Seton-Vyhnal, Sophie Sharkov, Boris Shlafer, Antoine Silber, Pierre Silvant, Charlotte Silvera, Noel Simsolo, Christophe Sirodeau, Philippe Sisbane Abderrahmane Sissako, Beatrice Sisul , Petter Skavlan, Romain Slocombe, Marcin Sokolowski, Loc Sorel, Paolo Sorrentino, Valrie Soulier, Vassilis Sourapas, Yannis Stavrou, Roch Stephanik, Karen Stetler, Denise Stieglitz, Guillaume Stirn, Bernard Stora, Grard Stum, Jean-Marc Surcin, Tilda Swinton, Piotrek Szymanek, Jean-Charles Tacchella, Radovan Tadic, Mickael Tanguy, Danis Tanovic, Bertrand Tavernier, Andr Techin, Katie Teece Ccile Telerman, Harold Alvarado Tenorio, Marie-Ange Terrier, Alain Terzian, Christian Texier, Jean-Paul Thaens, Valentine Theret, Virginie Thvenet, Alexandre Thiery, Jacques Thivierge, Pascal Thomas, Jeremy Thomas, Marc Thomas Charley, Cyril Thurston, Giuseppe Tornatore, Serge Tosca Cali Tosca Serge Toubiana, Walter Toubin, Jean-Luc Touillon, Maurizio Trani, Daniel Treichler, Nadine Trintignant, Claire Tromeur Fernando Trueba, Julie Turcas, Mitja Tuek, Tom Tykwer, Alexandre Tylski, Stephen Ujlaki, Jos Antonio Valds Pea, Kenny Valdisserri, Jaques Vallotton, Phil van der Linden, Betrand van Effenterre, Leopold van Genechten, Christophe van Rompaey, Dorna van Rouveroy, Elbert van Strien, Vangelis, Alessio Vannetti, Jean-Pierre Vaucouloux Luclia Verdelho da Costa, Christian Verdu, Jean-Pierre Vergne, Sarah Vermande, Maryana Vestic, Julien Veyret, Caroline Veyssire, Francesco Vezzoli, Rgine Vial, Daniel Vigne Vivien Villani, Marta Villarroya Estruch, Marc Villemain, Jean-Franois Villemer, Daria Vinault, Verde Visconti, Alain Vorimore, Thomas Vossart, Gilles Walusinski, Eric Watton, Lioba Wehinger, Monika Weibel, Florian Weigl, Dominique Welinski, Wim Wenders, Raphal Wertheimer, Andy Whittaker, Cornlius Wiijgers, Dorothe Wiijgers, Anase Wittmann, A Wolanin, Margot Wolfs, Peter Woltil, Arnaud Xainte, Steve Yeo, Likhem Young, Paule Zajdermann, Christian Zeender, Claudie Zehnacker, Fabrice Ziolkowski, Terry Zwigoff, And the following professional organizations, - lAcadmie des Csar (French Film Academy)

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actors who signed petition for roman polanski