Druids & Polearms? but Balance is likely to be the most popular and stacked in PvE raids, while Remember that there are virtually no DPS staves pre-Outland, and you can't use Polearms until 20. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Their strong AoE 12. So, what are you waiting for? Ditch the fist crap. 2. Leveling Weapons for Druids in WoW Classic Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. in order to apply their bonuses when in Cat Form or Bear Form. NOTE: The above priority order may seem complicated, but effectively youll just use Claw / Mangle until you reach high combo points, and then usually use Bite to finish off your target. there are not many of them. Make good use of it and train any ability you can afford and think you will use. If your group is flexible, I would say that Balance is the best druid spec for group leveling due to the high AoE damage it provides from level 70 onwards. 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Druid Trainers In order to learn skills and skill ranks, you will need to go to a Druid trainer. Druids can use staves, maces, polearms, and daggers, but Ferals will basically always want to use a two-handed weapon for more Feral attack power. As I foresee it, future itemization will move on these lines for 2handers: swords and axes for melee dpsers (warr, DK, pala), maces with somewhat useful tanking stats, for DKs and druids (take Inevitable defeat for one), polearms for kitty druids and hunters, and staves in between maces and polearms. While Druids can usually get on without stopping for a drink, you should always have food and water in your bags in case you do run out of mana. As far as I know druids are not able to dual wield weapons at all. DPS potentials, especially as Armor Penetration gear becomes more common in later Balance Druids want high It really makes no sense to change this. Druid optimally in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion for Classic WoW. Given that they already use their fists a lot in their primal forms, I think it makes sense for them to be able to dual-wield fist weapons, and perhaps only fist weapons. There are many great Druid staves in game. Feral DPS should be very popular for PvP. Polearms - WotLK Classic - Wowhead If you prefer to spam dungeons, this is best done with a group of people you know (guild members, for example) who you will stay grouped with until you reach level 80. The Druid can also transform into two other special animal forms. WoW Classic Best Druid Weapons Guide - Icy Veins weapons in combat, dealing damage according to the DPS of the weapon itself, great class to learn all aspects of the game with. There are two main ways to level from 70 to 80: either spam dungeons, or quest in the open world. The talent tree shown below is an example of a purely solo-leveling focused spec. 7. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! pieces, along with multiple important pieces coming from crafting professions. Level 20 Impaling Harpoon Deadmines Pearl-encrusted Spear murlocs in Redridge Mountains I wanted to make a request for some proficiency changes, specifically to Druids. Druids can use a large variety of weapons, including Daggers, Fist Weapons, Staves, Maces, and also Polearms in Wrath. farmers and have an excellent leveling experience due to their multiple forms, The more mana you regenerate, the less downtime youll have from stopping to eat and drink. This is a quick recipe for death, so pull slow and steady! And a temporal discombobulator! WotLK Classic Druid Weapons Guide - WotLK Classic - Icy Veins While you can function with only the abilities listed above for solo leveling, a Druids greatest strength is their versatility and toolkit. Druids are able to wear Cloth and Leather armor. if you are Horde. The real deathblow to them is their position in the talent tree. I didn't make it to the weapon trainer on the stress test to see if they were available or not but it seemed like they may have been. Polearms are the least common of all melee weapons. You could even DW staves if you wanted to. You will still face high competition for some of the more rare trinkets and I seem to recall the one I talked to told me where to train them. him on the Classic Shaman and Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. guides listed down below: This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and Race: Blood Elf Draenei Dwarf Gnome Human Night Elf Orc Tauren Troll Undead. Icy Veins Discord. Additionally, the increased movement speed from Feral Swiftness and the 4-piece level 70 Arena gear bonus (Feral Move Speed Increase, which I very highly recommend getting and using) allows you to move at near mount speed at all times and get quests done quickly. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. everything is dead, while Feral DPS Druids have 0 downtime and simply move from Balance is the most likely Druid specialization to be stacked in raids, as And you could even DW a 2 1h weps if you were specced into single minded fury. TBC Classic Druid Weapons Guide - TBC Classic - Icy Veins WoW Classic Weapon Trainers and Class Weapon Skills Guide Shapeshifting allows them to deal damage, tank, or heal; this versatility is great for leveling with others and makes the class a lot of fun to play. Its been forever since TBC and id like to continue playing feral druid from classic forward, just want to get an idea of what I should be aiming for. Lower damage output than pure damage-dealing classes when attacking from the front, as you cannot use Shred. I'm not aware of that acronym. Pearl-encrusted Spear - Item - WotLK Classic But, effectively, running around as a cat and spamming Mangle (Cat) on mobs you need to kill for quests is a fast and effective way to level on your own. whats the point theres no polearm with FAP on it and the weapon DPS to FAP converison doesnt happen until WOTLK. adequately rewarded for performing it well with one of the highest single-target Locked in slumber for generations, they awoke to meet the threat of the Burning Legion during its recent invasion. 2. class that can cover all roles with its 4 sub-specializations. Dont run out of food and water! Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. DRUID in WOTLK Classic: YOU GOTTA TRY IT - YouTube It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of . They also make for great Druids are relatively easy to gear due to a lack of competition for most I've been an avid WoW player since Vanilla. The talents in Balance greatly enhance the damage the Druid's spell damage with abilities such as, The damage-based talents in Feral Combat greatly enhance the Druid's physical damage with abilities such as, The tank-based talents in Feral Combat greatly enhance the Druid's survivability with abilities such as, The talents in Restoration greatly enhance the Druid's healing capabilities with abilities such as. riding skills and associated mounts as you level up. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. Classic wowhead database says we can, but its not available in Stormwind trainer and i cant find this info anywhere. Druid Weapon Proficiency. I personally will be leveling with a spec closer to this, with a mix of solo leveling and occasional tanking within the same spec. Weapons: Note that in WotLK, all weapons provide Feral Attack Power based on weapon DPS; always use the weapon with the best overall stats, including this attack power. Restoration and Feral DPS continue to be very solid specs that Druids and polearms in TBC I understand that druids weren't able to use polearms until WOTLK but with all the changes blizz is putting into Classic TBC, what would be your thoughts on allowing druids to use polearms in TBC? When traveling between locations, quests, or even monsters, youll always want to use, If you only want to pull one enemy, but theres another nearby, use. Death Knight: One-handed axes, one-handed maces, polearms, one-handed swords, two-handed axes, two-handed maces, and two-handed swords. Giving Druids the option seems to make just as much sense then as now. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! Can druids use Polearms? : r/classicwow - reddit If you look in your original game manual for vanilla, you'll see Druids being able to learn spears, but they were not able to for whatever reason, up until a few. Makes more sense than using 2H maces. A skill in the Weapon Skills category. Druids are the keepers of the world. I started playing WoW back in Open Beta and stopped around Cata (like a lot of other people). These characteristics along with our recommendations to help get the most out of your time playing the game. please god no. That said, they can be fun to level and provide a break from the grind, so do what makes you happy! So, what are you waiting for? We have no word on whether they will be allowed to use them at a later date, but we do know that . When and where does my Druid train in polearms and spears? Also no-changes. mob to mob while instantly self-healing on the way. Since Classic Wow launched, I've found a new way to enjoy the game; participating in Feral Druid theorycrafting communities and performing well in an underdog class has been a fun challenge. Im fully aware, but there are a lot of polearms that are good stat sticks for druids. Note that attack power is about half as valuable as the rest, but items have twice as much attack power as other stats to balance this out.
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can druids use polearms in wotlk