
Apr 21

identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130

Answer the radio with your station name or unit number Allowing personal or environmental distractions to take your focus Gloves 3. 3. Do you have any other questions or concerns today? Identify the THREE main hazards of hazardous materials. - Offensive Mode The purpose of offensive mode is to attack the wildland fire before it reaches the structures. Don't Make a Toast With Your Wine in Georgia . Sticking to the plan and working methodically Place the following fire behavior terms in order to match with the corresponding description. Ensure an obstacle-free line of sight with the person you are communicating with. Barriers to communication include: Remove and scatter all fuels away from the structure 0B.3 0B-01-S130-SR. 0B.4 FIRE BEHAVIOR TERMS Spread - Movement of the . Ensure an adequate number of skilled people and supervisors are assigned to the firing team, based primarily on the size of the area to be contained All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Stay seated until the crew directs you to unload. Much of the differences in culture have to do with food preparation, music, and what each culture considers politeness. Avoid breathing hazardous vapors Rusted tool head. identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130. Page 4 Rear The rear or heel of a wildland fire is the end opposite the headthat is, relatively closer to the point of origin than to the head. They may utilize self-reflective questions such as: What knowledge do I think I have about the patient's culture? 4. 3. Identify FOUR things you should be looking for. A well-informed Lisa feels confident and culturally competent before beginning her new job. - Since fighting fires is risky business, it makes sense to know the types of hazards you will be facing. Structure fires can be deadly, but there are tell-tale signs pointing to trouble. communication. Cultural humility is not achieved after a set amount of study; it is an ever-evolving practice. Escape routes Cultural globalization. Let's know how do cultural differences affect communication. All affective states are systematically represented as two bipolar dimensions, valence and arousal. Dig out and disperse any burning materials. 4. Carry drip torch in completely upright, vertical position to point of application What is the first action for you to take? Do you feel yourself becoming critical and judgmental, believing that independence for each generation is the best outcome, or do you feel that it is a perfectly acceptable way to live? Use clear speech to relay messages - Incident Response Pocket Guide (IRPG) - Branch Director These differences may be due to ethnic and racial background, age, geography, religion, and A non-judgemental mindset lets you observe cultural differences without labelling them as good or bad, or right or wrong. 1. Bias can result in a lack of cultural competence evidenced by failure to consider the terminology, comfort care, and remedies implemented by persons from a culture other than that of the healthcare provider. 6. Sociological globalization. (25 mm) wide. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. This includes a required field exercise that may be arduous in nature. Therefore, cultural differences exist in some aspects of emotions, one such important aspect of emotion being emotional arousal level. Due to the increasing diversity of our world and the intermixing of different cultures, the importance of cultural competence in the professional world has become more salient. Cultural humility encourages a respectful attitude toward individuals of other cultures. Base all actions on current and expected behavior of the fire. And because you come from a culture where asking questions is appropriate, you may misinterpret their silence. It is a transformational process. 4Notify the Incident Commander (IC) of the potential problem so that trained specialists can be brought in. She asks Lee-Lei's parents questions about their views and beliefs. Due to her knowledge that a majority of Mexicans are Catholic, she requests a priest for one of her patients without first consulting them. Know where your escape routes and safety zones are at all times A primary purpose of culture is to provide you with an orientation for understanding and navigating the world, because human beings come pre-programmed by evolution with very little specific. Top row: one box labeled IC with a broken line to the second row (to indicate that some items are missing. 1. Wipe any spilled fuel from exterior of drip torch Individual firefighters or supervisors may turn down an assignment when: She would ask her patients questions to gain a better understanding of their own personal cultural history, experience, and beliefs. Situate the tool on the downhill side when walking across a slope Pass other workers by signaling and waiting for the right of way Occupancy and location Those specific distance recommendations are based on the assumption that there: Keep in mind that the IRPG's specific distance recommendations are based on the assumption that there is no slope and no convective heat transfer from wind. Identify TWO proper methods for rolling fire hose. Practitioners can begin by looking at their clients as experts on their own life experience, history, and interests. Identify THREE contributing factors to extreme fire behavior. - Definition & Lifestyle, Straight Edge: Movement, Culture & History, What is a Verbal Threat? Outer boundary of the burning area Spotting wind speed and direction can change rapidly. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 88,000 Use water sparingly, but use enough to do the job D. heavily trafficked roads. She tries to empathize with their cultural values and why they hold academic excellence in high regard. 2. Ignite spilled fuel and light torch from ground fire Know what your fire is doing at all times. - Logistics Planning a beginning and ending point Page 65 Put on your life preserver while you're still on the shore or dock. Sharpen using a hand file. Limit caffeine to 300 mg per day (a cup of coffee has 100 mg). Identify THREE warning signs of a hopeless situation. Wearing all personal protective equipment (PPE) 5. - Defensive Mode The purpose of defensive mode is to protect the structures without directly engaging the wildland fire. Cultural humility is a lifelong process of self-reflection on one's own cultural identities whereby an openness to different cultural identities results. They have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Teaching Spanish and Communication from Transylvania University. Identify THREE guidelines for two-way radio use. If you know that you are going to a specific region of the world, then it is worth doing your research about that area ahead of time. Identify three facets affected by cultural differences. When initiating a call, first transmit the station name or unit number of the person you are calling, then your own name or number When determining safety zone size safety zones should have a ______. You can clamp off the hose when water isn't needed. You might also send summaries around occasionally to ensure that everyone agrees with your interpretation of where a project stands. It's the place you'll be free from danger without having to use your fire shelter. Do not modify or attempt to repair your radioinstead, tell your supervisor or a qualified technician about the problem Identify at least two escape routes Arousal level of actual and ideal emotions has consistently been found to have cross-cultural differences. Customs of marriages and religions and special social customs. One thing that gets in the way of listening is that you may not give people an opportunity to create an expectation failure. Position the cutting edges away from your body 4. Language i.e. Healthcare, social work, and education serve a highly diverse population. Use penetrants, especially in deep-burning fuels Allowing personality differences to hinder effective listening and message relaying skills Page 8 Cultural or gender differences or even differences in vocabulary can also create communication barriers. Make escape routes lead to a safety zone in the black or farther into the green away from the fire 4. One of your main duties is to protect the hose from damage. - Finance/Administration Cultural humility. What are your thoughts about this? - Situate the tool on the downhill side of your body. - Panic during an evacuation. Explosives, such as dynamite and blasting caps. 2. Identify escape routes and safety zones, and make them known. How many situations that shout "Watch out!" Identify THREE examples of safety zones. Mostly, it's important to be okay with not knowing everything. Written messages. Sand and refinish with light coating of linseed oil. It can also be understood as the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or society. Secondly, power imbalances should be fixed. Ms. White is a school counselor who is seeing 11-year-old Lee-Lei for high anxiety. Whether you are working abroad or are required to liaise globally with colleagues or business partners, understanding how to effectively communicate with people from all over the world is a key professional skill - one that is increasingly important in today's multicultural work environment. Eye protection 6. You know to use water intermittently on the fireline. - Post lookouts 1. It pushes one to challenge their own cultural biases, realize their own limitations about cultural knowledge, and look at cultural learning as a lifelong goal and process. An error occurred trying to load this video. The concept of cultural humility was developed by medical doctors Melanie Tervalon and Jann Murray-Garcia in a 1998 academic article published in the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 5. Burning branches Can be complicated by power outages. When working in burned-over areas, always look up, look down, and look around. One farmer could not understand why his workers did not attend a specially prepared end-of-season meal. Matches or a cigarette lighter. Use them for official use only When dealing with people from other cultures, pay careful attention to the failures of your predictions. Fire at this point usually burns into prevailing wind Claire has taught kindergarten to grade 12, including adults, for 13 years. - Achieves the objectives outlined by the IC and the IAP Finally, recognize that language barriers can also make it hard to notice prediction failures. Flank When to escape to safety zone. Identify TWO benefits of sharp blades on hand tools. Crouch as you approach. - A lookout must warn the crew when unexpected changes in fire behavior occur. Identify THREE techniques illustrating proper hand tool use. Place each component of a progressive hose lay in order to match to the appropriate use. Do not smoke within 100 ft. (30 m) of aircraft or fuel storage and fuel equipment Senses, Identify THREE hazards you might commonly encounter at farms and ranches, Propane tanks identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130. Finger To identify cultural differences, there are a few things you can do. A. depressions in the ground. Knowing about these dimensions can help you to notice behaviors that might otherwise be invisible to you when working with people from other cultures. Cultural humility improves relationships and outcomes, both professionally and personally. 1. I feel like its a lifeline. Cultural humility encourages an active participation in order to learn about a patient's or client's personal, cultural experiences. 4. Instead, when first getting to know a group from another culture, do not give them an option to say or do nothing. This information was valuable when having conversations with people so I didnt assume people were disagreeing with me when in fact they were agreeing. Then, she remembers the value of cultural humility. Restrict water flow. To be humble, curious, and flexible are guideposts of the on-going, cyclical practice that is self-critique. Identify the THREE main classes of radios. Cracked handle Various cultural differences can interfere with productivity or cause conflict among employees. Similarly, if you expect that a proposal will be met with excitement, and the reaction is more tepid, thats something you need to follow up on. Follow proper maintenance steps for the torch Spot fires are igniting faster than they can be put out. All of these guidelines should only be as far away as the IRPG you carry in your pocket. 1. In general, being jealous and possessive are traits both guys and girls share. 2. In these cases, it is possible to use items at hand to light a fire. - Unexpected shifts in wind direction or speed increase fire danger. Natural firebreaks, such as: Creek beds Depressions in the ground Rock slide areasrocks should be small enough that your shelter is still able to rest firmly on the ground Lee side of ridge tops and hills Flat areas on slopes, such as benches or road cuts - Rocks Therefore, it's the shared patterns of our behavior and interaction which are learned . Burning rag wrapped around a stick Page 6 Hostile ambient temperature conditions What is the minimum required PPE that a wildland firefighter should have? Constructed areas. Fifth row: a blank box coming off of the blank box on Row 4 labeled D. - Operations Section Chief Acrobat Distiller 8.1.0 (Windows) Identify and mark escape routes well before they are needed What are THREE ways to stay safe while preparing a drip torch? By way of exploring these differences, we are briefly going to look at 3 ways in which culture can cause challenges. Cultural humility can take place whenever an individual interacts with another from a different culture than their own. Elimination of unburned fuel between a fire's edge and a control line 2. Atmosphere that is or has been unstable for hours or days before the fire 2. - Definition & Examples, Collective Representation: Definition & Examples, Cultural Accommodation: Definition, Theory & Examples, Cultural Encapsulation: Definition & Example, Cultural Essentialism: Definition & Examples, Cultural Lag: Definition, Theory & Examples, Historical Particularism: Definition & Examples, Cultural Perception: Definition & Examples, Culture of Poverty: Definition, Theory & Criticism, Segmented Assimilation Theory: Definition & Examples, Differential Opportunity Theory: Definition & Examples, Disconfirmation Bias: Definition, Theory & Example, Mechanical Solidarity: Definition & Examples, Organic Solidarity: Definition & Examples, Intractable Conflict: Definition & Causes, Intractable Conflict: Characteristics & Examples, What is Straight Edge? I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. Wear safety glasses at all times While fighting a fire in a wildland environment, you see in the distance a fenced in area with large cylindrical tanks. diameter equal to at least four times the flame length. 5. Names, numbering, or stenciling - Poisonous fumes Do You must place the clamp at LEAST how far away from any coupling? - Approach or leave on the downhill side only and in full view of the pilot. And obviously, stay well clear of tail rotors and jet exhausts. We pray together and I don't feel alone anymore. Diamond-shaped images Gallup's research finds that there are three requirements that must be present in each of the strategies. You're involved in a mop-up operation in heavy fuels. What's Really Real? You wouldn't wait until you're on the fireline to don your PPE, would you? - very high frequency (VHF) You can start a meeting or conversation by saying, My intention here is to gather input from you so that I can make a decision. Try to find an ally in a group you are working with who can let you know when you may have said something that elicited a different interaction than you intended. 2Isolate the scene and deny entry to everyone until you are relieved by those trained and equipped to handle these situationsmove and keep people from the scene but allow enough room to maneuver your equipment Laura: I'm great! - Fog stream Cultural humility is shown by being genuinely curious to new ideas which inevitably means challenging what is already believed as true. Rapid attack on the hot-burning points of a fire's edge Topography aligned with wind and aspect during the peak burning period Choose Container shapes in order to match with the MOST appropriate caution. Identify THREE of the first five Standard Fire fighting Orders. Close the call with the proper identifierdone by the person who initiated the call. Maintain prompt communications with your forces, your boss and adjoining forces. - Inadequate water supply - Wear gloves inside the shelter. - Loose soils. The other edge, called the grubbing edge, is used to dig out roots and cut trenches. Holes in hose. Values are a culture's standard for discerning what is good and just in society. Conserves water supply. D. Fit workers are allowed to serve longer hours on the fireline. 6 Facets of Cultural Differences Understanding the different ways each culture answers the following will help us make friendships across cultures: Where are we? Scrape or stir fuels while applying water in deep-burning fuels, such as duff, peat, or needles Mop up the entire area on small fires if practical Employees are treated with respect. 1. Roughly parallel to the main direction of fire spread Overcoming these barriers means understanding: If you've gone through this course in order, then you have already had a good look at the 18 "Watch-out!" Protecting the apparatus from damage is an important part of effective fire fighting. Allow fuel to burn out if it will do so quickly and safely - Operations American culture tends to be fairly flat meaning that there is not a rigid status hierarchy, while Japanese culture is much more hierarchical, and so the relative status of everyone in the room determines the way people interact with each other. Jennifer has a Ph.D. in Psychology. If so, imagine a household with three generations living together consisting of a grandmother and grandfather, a mother and father, and children. lexus gx 460 trac off check engine light; cape breton victoria regional school board salaries Menu Toggle. Post lookouts when there is possible danger. Identify THREE procedures to follow when receiving and transmitting a radio message. Listener responsibilities Match each nozzle or stream type with the MOST appropriate function or benefit. Long, narrow strip of fire They recognize any power imbalances that may be present and look to the other person to be the expert on themselves, who therefore brings strengths and value to the relationship. Identify known hazards 4. Identify the TRUE statement about boat transportation procedures. Identify THREE steps you can take to be accountable for your personal protective equipment (PPE) and gear. Use short strokes Identify the BEST way to remove unburned fuel that is outside of but adjacent to the fireline. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. Identify TWO tools you can use in conjunction with a fire swatter. - Combined Mode The purpose of combined mode is to hold a portion of the wildland fire edge to reduce the number of structures threatened. Unfamiliar with weather and local factors in uencing re behavior. These are: Personal Challenges - the emotional challenges faced by individuals. Identify the procedure you should take with your clothes. - Logs too big to move 3. Open air vent three-fourths of the way Identify the BEST way to mop up a machine pile. A response objective. A non-judgemental mindset lets you observe cultural differences without labelling them as 'good' or 'bad', or 'right or wrong'. Know what your fire is doing at all times. Stand inside opened shelter Place a ladder on the side of the house that is least threatened and away from power lines Select FOUR ways to remove heat energy from a fire. For example, rather than ending an interaction with Do you have any questions? you can say, Many people new to projects like this one have a number of questions, what are some of the issues you want to know about? Now, you are explicitly giving permission to ask a question and making it clear that asking questions is the norm you expect. You are approaching a slope while fire fighting. Safety precautions for loading and unloading fixed-wing aircraft differ from safety guidelines for helicopters. Outerwear Instead, you need to identify and acknowledge the differences. - Lateral Lines Mopping-up helps ensure the fire won't flare up and jump control lines. Identify THREE facets affected by cultural differences. Advocacy in Social Work: Client, Community & Organizational. Additionally, cultural humility in research practices is also predicted to remedy inequalities on a large scale. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Placards and labels Equipmentstay out of the way; the equipment can crush you. 5. - Backfiring Lighting a fusee To light a fusee: Search 3. Keep your supervisor informed of hazards, and avoid breathing toxic fumes, There are three tactical modes for fires in the wildland/urban interface. Wildland firefighter protective clothing is designed to protect you from which of the following THREE threats? Cultural humility is aptly named, as the individual must be humble enough to recognize the implicit biases that lie within. The acronym describing the series of proper decisions to make for reducing a hazardous materials incident's potential harm is: Identify the guidebook that is an excellent resource for more information about hazardous materials. There are many hazards you face when traveling to a fire on foot. In two to three paragraphs, describe a living situation that is non-normative to you, and investigate your opinions and judgments about it. Roll over inside the shelter so that you are lying face down. For safety while using hand tools: Keep your eyes on what is being cut Cold trailing is a technique for controlling a partly dead fire edge. One side is a cutting edge similar to an axe blade for chopping stumps and logs. - Don't go aft of the helicopter doors. There are six main detection clues to look for at a HazMat incident. Unit 18 - Cultural Resources (Optional)18.1. Stop or modify firing if it becomes too intense for crews to control, and do not resume firing until intensity diminishes and you regain control, One of the BEST reasons to stay in good physical shape is to help you, Applying the risk management process while fighting wildland fires helps you, All of the following are barriers to good communication, EXCEPT, repeating instructions to make sure the message is clear. Bulk chemicals, such as fertilizers and pesticides 2. (5 to 10 cm) away from your mouth and in a way that prevents wind from blowing into it dentify and mark all hazardous materials with flagging material or other warning devices. Don't apply a straight water stream near it. Insert your boots inside the straps at the bottom of the shelter to secure it In your own experience, do most people seek to attain cultural humility? Dont assume everyone wants to be treated the way you do. Focusing on your own response instead of listening to what's being said Deploying fire shelters in windy conditions can be tricky. Provides a variety of stream patterns and flow rates. B. Any hazard you encounter while traveling on foot becomes even more dangerous if you can't see it. Identify the distance firefighters should maintain when walking or working with hand tools. - The hose is dangerously close to the flames. If Lisa took an approach in cultural humility, she wouldn't assume to know everything about people with Mexican cultural backgrounds. It's time to put your aircraft ground crew hat on. All rights reserved. What You Can Do. For example, someone might prefer independence of family members versus interdependence because of their own cultural values.

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identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130