
Apr 21

osha conveyor safety 1910

(11) Band type guards - general specifications. If center to center distance between pulleys is ten (10) feet or more. (5) Full revolution clutch means a type of clutch that, when tripped, cannot be disengaged until the crankshaft has completed a full revolution and the press slide a full stroke. Consistency of braking action is enhanced by high brake torque. (3) Guarding vertical and inclined shafting. Shall not engage in the design, manufacture, sale, promotion, or use of the certified equipment. Where presence sensing devices are used for supplemental safeguarding, a check for proper operation shall be performed using the test rod according to the presence sensing device manufacturer's instructions. For compliance with these requirements, the average value of the stopping time, Ts, shall be the arithmetic mean of at least 25 stops for each stop angle initiation measured with the brake and/or clutch unused, 50 percent worn, and 90 percent worn. information or personal data. The provisions of paragraph (h) of this section shall apply to boltheading. 1910.143 Nonwater carriage disposal systems. (vii) Means used to actuate press stroke (foot trip, foot control, hand trip, hand control, or other). Unused keyways shall be filled up or covered. (17) Two hand control device means a two hand trip that further requires concurrent pressure from both hands of the operator during a substantial part of the die-closing portion of the stroke of the press. Guards for horizontal overhead rope and chain drives. Surface Feet Per Minute = 3.1416 diameter in inches r.p.m. 1910.22 General requirements. 1910.509Incorporation by reference. (iv) Overhead chain and link belt drives are governed by the same rules as overhead horizontal belts and shall be guarded in the same manner as belts. 1910.215 Abrasive wheel machinery. (ii) Shafting under bench machines shall be enclosed by a stationary casing, or by a trough at sides and top or sides and bottom, as location requires. The guard shall have openings no larger than one-half (12) inch. Posts shall be not more than eight (8) feet apart; they are to be permanent and substantial, smooth, and free from protruding nails, bolts, and splinters. Based on this, the Assistant Secretary shall issue the final decision (including reasons) of the Department of Labor stating whether the applicant has demonstrated by a preponderance of evidence that it meets the requirements for recognition. (iii) Special handtools for placing and removing material shall be such as to permit easy handling of material without the operator placing a hand in the danger zone. Where guard is exposed to contact with moving equipment, additional strength may be necessary. Guarding Floors, Stairs, & Other Openings - Safety Checklist Program 1910.164 Fire detection systems. (iv) Personal protective equipment (gloves, goggles, aprons, and other items) shall be worn. On both sides of the calender and near each end of the face of the roll, there shall be a cable or wire center cord connected to the safety trip. (6) Emphasis is placed upon the importance of maintaining cleanliness around woodworking machinery, particularly as regards the effective functioning of guards and the prevention of fire hazards in switch enclosures, bearings, and motors. Compliance with 1910.217(h)(2)(ii). (ii) An automatic guard which will remove the hands of the operator from the danger zone at every descent of the blade, used in conjunction with one-hand starting devices which require two distinct movements of the device to start the cutting motion, and so designed as to return positively to the nonstarting position after each complete cycle of the knife. Minor modifications not affecting the safety of the system may be made by the manufacturer without revalidation. 5. Where clamp caps or setscrews are used in conjunction with punch stems, additional means of securing the upper shoe to the slide shall be used. (2) Arbor size. In deriving the safety distance required in paragraph (h)(9)(v), all stopping time measurements should be made with clutch/brake air pressure regulated to the press manufacturer's recommended value for full clutch torque capability. 1910.18 Changes in established Federal standards. If you would like to comment on the current content, please use the 'Content Feedback' button below for instructions on contacting the issuing agency. 1 Flanges shall be of steel, quality SAE 1040 or equivalent, annealed plate, heat treated to R. 25-30. b. (i) Expanded metal, sheet or perforated metal, and wire mesh shall be securely fastened to frame. The route followed by the oiler is protected in such manner as to prevent accident. Such mesh or perforated metal shall be not less than 0.037 inch (U.S. Gage No. b. All pressure vessels used in conjunction with power presses shall conform to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code for Pressure Vessels, 1968 Edition, which is incorporated by reference as specified in 1910.6. In addition when unthreaded hole wheels are specified the inside flat, K dimension, shall be large enough to accommodate a suitable flange. If workers need to cross over a conveyor, OSHA has specific requirements for both Construction and Marine applications of Conveyor Crossovers. (4) Belt sanding machines shall be provided with guards at each nip point where the sanding belt runs on to a pulley. Peripheral grinding wheel having a diameter, thickness and hole. (7) Type 27A depressed center, cutting-off wheels mean wheels having diameter, thickness, and hole size dimensions. Validation for Design Certification/Validation. The validation organization's validating laboratory shall have available all testing facilities and necessary test and inspection equipment relevant to the validation of the certification of PSDI safety systems, installations and operations. (iv) All a.c. control circuits and solenoid value coils shall be powered by not more than a nominal 120-volt a.c. supply obtained from a transformer with an isolated secondary. (vi) Certain Type 1 and Type 27A cutting-off wheels. (i) Air-lift hammers shall have a safety cylinder head as required in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. A. (iv) Air counterbalance cylinders shall have adequate capability to hold the slide and its attachments at any point in stroke, without brake applied. Fast and consistent stopping times are important to safety for the PSDI mode of operation. (iv) An interlocked press barrier guard shall be attached to the press frame or bolster and shall be interlocked with the press clutch control so that the clutch cannot be activated unless the guard itself, or the hinged or movable sections of the guard are in position to conform to the requirements of Table O-10. (3) Broken pulleys. Control components shall be selected, constructed, and connected together in such a way as to withstand expected operational and environmental stresses, at least including those outlined in appendix A. (2) Type 2 cylinder wheels means wheels having diameter, wheel thickness, and rim thickness dimensions. Page 1 of 4 | Conveyor Hazards Safety Factsheet: Hazards of Conveyors Conveyors are used to transport materials . (5) Ripping and ploughing shall be against the direction in which the saw turns. (o) Profile and swing-head lathes and wood heel turning machine. 1. 1910.137 Electrical protective equipment. 2. (m) Standard guards - general requirements -. Installed in the front and in the back of each mill and located within 2 inches of a vertical plane tangent to the front and rear rolls. c. Its employees are secure from discharge resulting from pressures from manufacturers, suppliers, vendors, employers or employee representatives. Object sensitivity describes the capability of a presence sensing device to detect an object in the sensing field, expressed as the linear measurement of the smallest interruption which can be detected at any point in the field. (3) On applications where injury to the operator might result if motors were to restart after power failures, provision shall be made to prevent machines from automatically restarting upon restoration of power. In overhead silent chain-drive guards where the chain is held from lateral displacement on the sprockets, the side clearances required on drives of twenty (20) inch centers or under shall be not less than one-fourth inch from the nearest moving chain part, and on drives of over twenty (20) inch centers a minimum of one-half inch from the nearest moving chain part. The spindle speed of the machine shall be checked before mounting of the wheel to be certain that it does not exceed the maximum operating speed marked on the wheel. (iii) Modified Types 6 and 11 wheels (terrazzo) with tapered K dimension. Decreasing manual material handling also lessens the chance of injury to a workers back and hands. (E) The severe consequences that can result if he or she attempts to circumvent or by-pass any of the safeguard or operating functions of the PSDI system. (2) Instruction to operators. (3) Belt pole (sometimes called a belt shipper or shipper pole,) means a device used in shifting belts on and off fixed pulleys on line or countershaft where there are no loose pulleys. If no exceptions are filed, this is the final decision of the Department of Labor. 7, 1996]. (58) Unitized tooling means a type of die in which the upper and lower members are incorporated into a selfcontained unit so arranged as to hold the die members in alignment. 553. [39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 49 FR 5323, Feb. 10, 1984; 61 FR 9240, Mar. (i) Point of operation devices shall protect the operator by: (a) Preventing and/or stopping normal stroking of the press if the operator's hands are inadvertently placed in the point of operation; or, (b) Preventing the operator from inadvertently reaching into the point of operation, or withdrawing his hands if they are inadvertently located in the point of operation, as the dies close; or, (c) Preventing the operator from inadvertently reaching into the point of operation at all times; or, (e) Requiring application of both of the operator's hands to machine operating controls and locating such controls at such a safety distance from the point of operation that the slide completes the downward travel or stops before the operator can reach into the point of operation with his hands; or, (f) Enclosing the point of operation before a press stroke can be initiated, and maintaining this closed condition until the motion of the slide had ceased; or. (B) Guards used as supplemental safeguarding shall conform to the design, construction and application requirements of paragraph (c)(2) of this section, and shall be interlocked with the press control to prevent press PSDI operation if the guard fails, is removed, or is out of position. 1910.4 Amendments to this part. It is financially capable to conduct the work; b. (4) Mill roll heights. (viii) The control system shall incorporate an automatic means to prevent initiation or continued operation in the PSDI mode unless the press drive motor is energized in the forward direction of crankshaft rotation. Agree to terms and conditions established by OSHA in the grant of recognition on matters such as exchange of data, submission of accident reports, and assistance in studies for improving PSDI or the certification/validation process. A copy of the certification/validation report shall be submitted to OSHA within 30 days of its completion. The employer shall provide means for handling scrap from roll feed or random length stock operations. (11) Safety system certification/validation. (2) Engine rooms. 1910.421 Pre-dive procedures. (13) Gate or movable barrier device means a movable barrier arranged to enclose the point of operation before the press stroke can be started. (3) Each hand-fed circular ripsaw shall be provided with nonkickback fingers or dogs so located as to oppose the thrust or tendency of the saw to pick up the material or to throw it back toward the operator. 9. All sprocket wheels and chains shall be enclosed unless they are more than seven (7) feet above the floor or platform. Blotters need not be used with the following types of wheels: (ii) Abrasive discs (inserted nut, inserted washer, and projecting-stud type). The validation organization representative shall witness at least one set of each of these tests. (b) Each two hand control shall meet the construction requirements of paragraph (b)(7)(v) of this section. Personal protective equipment shall be used in grinding operations, and equipment shall be used and maintained in accordance with ANSI B7.1-1970, Safety Code for the Use, Care, and Protection of Abrasive Wheels, which is incorporated by reference as specified in 1910.6, and with 1910.215. 1910.109 Explosives and blasting agents. This subdivision does not apply to flywheels with solid web centers. Each manufacturer supplying parts, components, subsystems, and assemblies needs to maintain the quality of the product, and each employer needs to maintain the system in a non-degraded condition. Flanges shall be dimensionally accurate and in good balance. OSHA Conveyor Standards | PDF | Safety | Transmission (Mechanics) - Scribd They shall be made of steel or other material with adequate strength and shall enclose the wheel sides upward from the back for one-third of the wheel thickness. 1910.214 Cooperage machinery. Where brake springs are externally accessible, lock nuts or other means may be provided to reduce the possibility of backing off of the compression nut which holds the springs in place. (2) Guard design. This content is from the eCFR and is authoritative but unofficial. 29 CFR 1910 Subpart O - Machinery and Machine Guarding - 1910.212 General Requirements for All Machines 29 CFR 1926 Subpart N - Helicopters, Hoists, Elevators, and Conveyors - 1926.555 Conveyors U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration Publication, "Safeguarding Equipment and Protecting Employees from Amputations", OSHA 3170-02R, 2007 If previous design, history and application are considered to be similar, but not equal to or more exacting than earlier experiences, the additional or partial certification/validation tests should concentrate on the areas of changed or increased requirements. (b) If center to center distance between pulleys is ten (10) feet or more. OSHA Catwalk Requirements: Width, Load & Handrail Standards - Lapeyre Stair (3) Vibration of 45G for one millisecond per stroke when the item is to be mounted on the press frame. (1) General. Materials should be placed on the conveyor so that they will ride safely. Sec. An open space, not exceeding four (4) inches in width, may be left between the outside edge of the disk and the rim of the wheel if desired, to facilitate turning the wheel over. The maximum angular exposure of the grinding wheel periphery and sides for safety guards used on machines known as swing frame grinding machines shall not exceed 180, and the top half of the wheel shall be enclosed at all times. (57) Two-hand trip means a clutch actuating means requiring the concurrent use of both hands of the operator to trip the press. (3) Feed rolls shall be guarded by a hood or suitable guard to prevent the hands of the operator from coming in contact with the in-running rolls at any point. (c) A separate pull-out device shall be provided for each operator if more than one operator is used on a press. The identified parts, components and subsystems shall be certified by the manufacturer to be able to withstand the functional and operational environments of the PSDI safety system. A correlation of the brake and/or clutch degradation based on the above tests and/or estimates shall be made and documented. 1910.303 General. In powerplants or power-development rooms, a guardrail may be used in lieu of the guard required by subdivision (i) of this subparagraph. This exception also is referred to as the "minor servicing exception." The validation organization shall make available upon request a list of PSDI safety systems which have been certified/validated by the program. (b) A Type B gate or movable barrier device shall protect the operator in the manner specified in paragraph (c)(3)(i)(g) of this section. The label shall indicate the press serial number, the minimum safety distance (Ds) required by paragraph (h)(9)(v) of this section, the fulfillment of design certification/validation, the employer's signed certification, the identification of the OSHA-recognized third-party validation organization, its signed validation, and the date the certification/validation and recertification/revalidation are issued. All exposed parts of horizontal shafting seven (7) feet or less from floor or working platform, excepting runways used exclusively for oiling, or running adjustments, shall be protected by a stationary casing enclosing shafting completely or by a trough enclosing sides and top or sides and bottom of shafting as location requires. The upper-wheel guard shall be made to conform to the travel of the saw on the wheel. (6) Multiple wheel mounting. 1910.119 Process safety management of highly hazardous chemicals. 3. (ii) The ram shall be blocked with a material the strength of which shall meet or exceed the specifications or dimensions shown in Table O-11. The validation organization or validating laboratory shall maintain a record of each certification/validation of a PSDI safety system, including manufacturer and/or employer certification documentation, test and working data, test report, certification/validation report, any follow-up inspections or testing, and reports of equipment failures, any reports of accidents involving the equipment, and any other pertinent information. of this appendix, subject to the possible reinspection exception. a. 1910.420 Safe practices manual. Regulation Y Tail rods or extension piston rods. Appendix to Subpart E of Part 1910Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, and Fire Prevention Plans, Subpart FPowered Platforms, Manlifts, and Vehicle-Mounted Work Platforms. If unitized tooling is used, the opening between the top of the punch holder and the face of the slide, or striking pad, shall be safeguarded in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section. [Reserved], https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-29/subtitle-B/chapter-XVII/part-1910/subpart-O. (iv) For flywheels with smooth rims five (5) feet or less in diameter, where the preceding methods cannot be applied, the following may be used: A disk attached to the flywheel in such manner as to cover the spokes of the wheel on the exposed side and present a smooth surface and edge, at the same time providing means for periodic inspection. (xi) Where there is more than one operator of a press used for PSDI, each operator shall be protected by a separate, independently functioning, presence sensing device. Under this provision, a catwalk or runway must be at least 18 inches wide. (iii) Individual sensing fields of presence sensing devices used to initiate strokes in the PSDI mode shall cover only one side of the press. (11) Off-hand grinding means the grinding of any material or part which is held in the operator's hand. The guard shall automatically adjust itself to cover the unused portion of the head and shall remain in contact with the material at all times. (i) Presses operated in the PSDI mode shall be equipped with a brake monitor that meets the requirements of paragraphs (b)(13) and (b)(14) of this section. Three months prior to the operation of any alternative system, the employer must notify the OSHA Directorate of Safety Standards Programs of the name of the system to be installed, the manufacturer and the OSHA-recognized third-party validation organization immediately. Such supplemental safeguarding shall consist of either additional light curtain (photo-electric) presence sensing devices or other types of guards which meet the requirements of paragraphs (c) and (h) of this section. The guard shall be fastened to the frame carrying the rolls so as to remain in adjustment for any thickness of stock. No extra microswitches or interlocking sensors would be required. 1910.39 Fire prevention plans. The validation organization's laboratory (which organizationally may be a part of the third-party validation organization): 1. Use of a brake monitor does not eliminate the need for periodic brake inspection and maintenance to reduce the possibility of catastrophic failures. (i) Every point of operation guard shall meet the following design, construction, application, and adjustment requirements: (a) It shall prevent entry of hands or fingers into the point of operation by reaching through, over, under or around the guard; (b) It shall conform to the maximum permissible openings of Table O-10; (c) It shall, in itself, create no pinch point between the guard and moving machine parts; (d) It shall utilize fasteners not readily removable by operator, so as to minimize the possibility of misuse or removal of essential parts; (e) It shall facilitate its inspection, and. (vi) The control system shall incorporate a timer to deactivate PSDI when the press does not stroke within the period of time set by the timer. The purpose of the certification/validation of safety systems for presence sensing device initiation (PSDI) of mechanical power presses is to ensure that the safety systems are designed, installed, and maintained in accordance with all applicable requirements of 29 CFR 1910.217 (a) through (h) and this appendix A. Belt shifters, clutches, shippers, poles, perches, and fasteners -. The requirement in paragrpah (h)(2)(iii) reduces the possibility of significantly increased stopping time if a spring breaks. (3) Manually operated controls. Table O-9 - Minimum Basic Thicknesses of Peripheral and Side Members for Safety Guards. If it so determines, it shall revalidate the employer's recertification that the PSDI system is in full conformance with all requirements of 29 CFR 1910.217(a) through (h) and this appendix A. Die-setting and maintenance procedures shall comply with paragraphs (a) through (g) of this section, and shall not be done in the PSDI mode. 1 The recommendations listed in the above table are guides for the conditions stated. (c) Presses. (3) Conveyors. (v) The safety distance (Ds) from the sensing field of the presence sensing device to the point of operation shall be greater than or equal to the distance determined by the formula: Hs = Hand speed constant of 63 inches per second (1.6 m/s). (d) Conveyors passing over areas that are occupied or used by employees shall be so guarded as to prevent the material transported from falling and causing injury to employees. Annually, or after a change specified in paragraph 1., the employer shall inspect and recertify the installation as meeting the requirements set forth under B., Installation Certification/Validation. (4) Bushing. 1910.146 Permit-required confined spaces. All projecting keys, setscrews, and other projections in revolving parts shall be removed or made flush or guarded by metal cover. All surrounding floors shall be kept in good condition and free from obstructions, grease, oil, and water. Dimensions of such flanges shall never be less than indicated. Fixing of selection shall be by means capable of supervision by the employer. The unused run of the sanding belt shall be guarded against accidental contact. 49 CFR 172.101 Where panels are fitted with expanded metal or wire mesh the middle rails may be omitted. OSHA intends that PSDI continue to be prohibited where present state-of-the-art technology will not allow it to be done safely. 1910.1007 3,-Dichlorobenzidine (and its salts). An application may be revised by an applicant at any time prior to the completion of the final staff recommendation. "Published Edition". (ix) Diamond wheels, except certain vitrified diamond wheels. (i) Die setting on presses used in the PSDI mode shall be performed in accordance with paragraphs (d) and (h) of this section. (vi) A holdout or a restraint device shall protect the operator as specified in paragraph (c)(3)(i)(c) of this section and shall include attachments for each of the operator's hands. 1910.1044 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane. 1910.1048 Formaldehyde. A controlled clearance between the wheel hole and the machine spindle (or wheel sleeves or adaptors) is essential to avoid excessive pressure from mounting and spindle expansion. (1) The cutting heads of each wood shaper, hand-fed panel raiser, or other similar machine not automatically fed, shall be enclosed with a cage or adjustable guard so designed as to keep the operator's hand away from the cutting edge. (ii) Two-hand trip systems on full revolution clutch machines shall incorporate an antirepeat feature. Final decision by Assistant Secretary - a. Cup wheels (Types 6 and 11) shall be protected by: (i) Safety guards as specified in paragraphs (b) (1) through (10) of this section; (ii) Band type guards as specified in paragraph (b)(11) of this section; and. There are other general safety precautions which should be followed by everyone even if they dont work directly with conveyors. 1910.123 Dipping and coating operations: Coverage and definitions. (2) Each self-feed circular ripsaw shall be provided with sectional non-kickback fingers for the full width of the feed rolls. Such stresses shall not so affect the control system as to cause unsafe operation. PDF Guarding Floor and Wall Openings and Holes OSHA Standard 1910.23 1 (ii) If the belt is of the endless type or laced with rawhide laces, and a belt shifter is not desired, the belt will be considered guarded if the nip point of the belt and pulley is protected by a nip point guard located in front of the cone extending at least to the top of the largest step of the cone, and formed to show the contour of the cone in order to give the nip point of the belt and pulley the maximum protection. 1910.252 General requirements. (51) Slide means the main reciprocating press member. Vertical and inclined shafting seven (7) feet or less from floor or working platform, excepting maintenance runways, shall be enclosed with a stationary casing in accordance with requirements of paragraphs (m) and (o) of this section. The triprods shall be accessible and shall operate readily whether the rods are pushed or pulled. of this appendix, the following procedures will be used: (1) The Assistant Secretary will issue a notice of hearing before an administrative law judge of the Department of Labor pursuant to the rules specified in 29 CFR part 1905, subpart C. (2) After the hearing, pursuant to subpart C, the administrative law judge shall issue a decision (including reasons) based on the application, the supporting documentation, the staff recommendation, the public comments and the evidence submitted during the hearing (the record), stating whether it has been demonstrated, based on a preponderance of evidence, that the applicant meets the requirements for recognition. The safety requirements of this subparagraph apply to lead casts or other use of lead in the forge shop or die shop. The hood shall be so mounted as to insure that its operation will be positive, reliable, and in true alignment with the saw; and the mounting shall be adequate in strength to resist any reasonable side thrust or other force tending to throw it out of line.

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osha conveyor safety 1910