
Apr 21

satya nadella weaknesses

Next segment is a combination of consumer and professional. I lost "faith" in Microsoft when they killed the Band. Zain Nadella, 26, was born with cerebral palsy. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. IBM was always focused on corporate sales (mainframes). The thing barely had any exclusive games other than the usual Halo,Forza, GOW etc and before you know if we are already on a generation refresh with the One X. le You cannot be trusted. Its up to Nadella to ensure that the Surface project can finally be taken off financial life support and walk under its own steam. Inspirational Motivation. Admitting apparently isn't keeping him from doing over and over again. That flips and Nadella has a new problem on his hands. I am one of those MS loyalists who believed all the hype (now looking like BS) about Windows utility and productivity across all platforms. Very good comment @squire777and agree to most of it. In the BB days no BB owner would have imagined they would abandon their platform, then enter iPhone pardigm change. - High Margins Nadella Satya charges a premium compare to its competitors. Probably then he would pay attention and his bottom line would change Amd that of his short term investors. What they haven't done is clearly shonw "what comes next" in mobile. Just my 2cts. Well by then Microsoft will either have a new mobile phone system ready or be irrelevant in the mobile business. Nadella doesn't agree! @JaimitoFrog.Yeahthats the ticketMS would be bankrupt in 6 months. After a mere 2 months, Microsoft pulled this phone, the Kin one and Kin two. Enterprise? The market research . he likes a phone that has support from the company who makes it. I just got my android phone and my subscription to WPS office. I'm very happy with my iPhone. They have only just started releasing a modem the market (apple) likes. That was the most stupid decision except for leaving the market. This is sucky. If people see the REALLY low cost alternative that gets them in the touch game, with the responsiveness of their smartphone, and a keyboard to flip over when they need it, a little marketing could go a long way for a device such as this. Google and Apple are committed and welcome talent. exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. ". For more detailed SWOT Matrix strategy please go through the detailed analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in next section. Once they are gone they won't come back and they will bring the developers with them, My 2 cents. The announcement of the end of Groove on 12/31 together with a non-working Spotify app on my phone was the final straw for me. I still use Bing as my search engine on an iPhone (1520 died and instead of utilizing the only company who actually innovated with WP, MS decided to kill off the deal), I like Microsoft Edge, I use Windows 10 Pro on a PC. Microsoft is no longer the giant it used to be, and apparently is digging its own grave. What are Satya Nadella's greatest strengths and weaknesses? WP8 was suposed to be a transtion from WP7 and shed all of the Widows Ce core code from the platform but they lost all the basic functionality of WP7. How about that time Microsoft took you out to than new club called Microsoft Music -you were dazzled by the iTunes competitor and so, why not invest in a few songs. Why didn't it affect worldwide numbers at all? In 1988, Satya completed his bachelor's degree at Manipal Institute in electronic engineering. It isn't the guy digging for gold who gets rich, but rather the guy that sells the shovel. Too little too late for me. Satya Nadella, Buddhism and Modern Leadership - Medium Because a tech company in 2017 without a mobile presence is not a tech company worth talking about. I enjoyed it! I sign up for more online courses than I can complete. An original Xbox, 5 different Xbox 360's(red ring of death on two of them(! Yes, I am a disgruntled Microsoft phone owner who paid a premium price for a premium phone and is getting shafted by Microsoft once again. I was MS biggest cheer leader. The best advice for Microsoft is to release a surface phone that does not look like a phone but is the ultimate device. Amazon does it. I agree with much of what you said.and then Befiores comment.he must never have gone into any of the phone storesbecause during MOST of windows phones life (regardless of iteration), you could almost never find them in the storesor they were relegated to the back tiny corner with next to no supportand most of the folks in the store would either tell you bad thing about the phone (not truly knowing the truth or having any experience or training in the phopne whatsoever), or push you to either android or iPhones. Back in 2006 subscribed after being a Tester of Windows Live OneCare for Microsoft, used that til 2009, which then was replaced by MSE while it detection rate was good at first, then not good, then started to get better again, feeling a little safer using Windows Defender lately as it's now tightly intergrated into Windows 8.1 and 10, so likely hood of them dropping it maybe less now. Literally any effing body can do that in his position. I had one for grarage band, but I could not stand OSX. The people who run HDM were the same people within NOKIA and tried to push the company to make those X platform android devices. MShave been announcing 1 unified OS (now called OneCore) scalable since many years now. He said he saw a world where Personal Interactive Devices (Pcs then), Portable Interactive Devices (a then yet to be made hybrid of mobile phone and PDA), and Social Interactive Devices (TVs then) were only different in the way people interacteed with them. You have lost a loyal customer in my and I am certain that there are many millions doing the same. I think abandoning Windows 10 mobile was a mistake, I realised when I was looking at the AR headsets they just released and I thought "but maybe they will abandon it in a year or two". Even though I left WM almost 2 years ago, I was still using windows 10 as my daily drivers on my laptops/desktops. disappointing fourth quarter sales figure of Lumia. We can all appreciate that thirst for knowledge. However, with OneCore/CShell, where Windows 10 can scale up or down, depending on form factor, a developer, developing UWP apps for Windows 10 desktops/laptops, simply will add the extra lines of code necessary for Windows 10 to scale down to a smaller form factor, such as might be presented by a phablet/voice enabled device (or even the rumoured Andromeda device). Jason Ward's synopsis "Nadella's broken consumer, developer, and OEM relationships will invariably affect the company's future." Even my 85 year old mom relies on mobile and MS turns it back. If UWP really means, for the most part, a wrapper to distribute apps in a low quality store then UWP lacks any real point other than as a curated software respository. We believed in you? And he did come in at the end of it. It's far easier to hold on to customers than it is to acquire them. OEM's wisely took the choice of the free OS over a paid one. Window phone was dead 2 years ago when it wasn't making enough profit for too long. Nadella should admit he made a mistake and walk back the decision to sacrifice not only Windows Phone, but all the folks who love it. What are Satya Nadella's strengths as Microsoft's CEO? - Quora Yes. Leaders with inspirational motivation traits provide employees with a set of shared goals and the vision necessary to attain them. When I had that thought I realised just how annoyed I am with Microsoft. I currently have a 950XL. Give consumers less pricy OS. Thats not an enviable job. such a device would be better than what Microsoft has now . It's sad really. No mobile phone/mobile device means you are OUT in the future of big data and office work as the tect world moves on. If Microsoft had put the entire $7B they spent on Nokia towards additional phone subsidies, lets say they could have made what was normally a $200 phone a free phone. Nadella said it's cloud first. Satya Narayana Nadella became Microsoft's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in 2014. The elder Nadella announced the news of his son's . @Sean D. I completely agree. The world may not need a third ecosystem, but Microsoft needed to be that third ecosystem. Nadella was the worst thing that could have happened to Microsoft. All he did was avoid answers, while offering some nebulous comments that left loyal customers baffled. They only needed to work on it! This would not be Changing The Game. It is that simple. Analysis of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study. Whether consumers are willing to buy those devices has thus far been a mixed bag. There is a reason why most tech companies are moving into consumer market. Go now Natella.. During the recent interview with business podcast Marketplace's Corner Office, Dell XPS 15 and XPS 17 now available with 13th Gen Intel CPUs and NVIDIA RTX 40-Series graphics, Resident Evil 4 remake preview: Darker and sleeker but still beautifully cheesy, Bing Chat can now switch between tones at the switch of a toggle, Monster Hunter: Rise and 19 other games headed to NVIDIA GeForce NOW in March. The company earned $39 billion on revenue of $126 billion in . Google assitant works pretty flawlessly responding to "OK google", unlike the inconsistentcy of "hey cortana" on my Idol. Nadella had to get that message or they will relegated to be the next IBM as others have said. I think it is a very intense business to do the digital "rights" management etc. So Nutella just let down windows phone to focus on developping a bunch of Skype bots that nobody talk with? Satya Nadella "Every opportunity I got, I took it as a learning experience." Satya Nadella "We must ensure not only that everyone receives equal pay for equal work, but that they have the opportunity to do equal work." Satya Nadella "Ultimately, it's not going to be about man versus machine. Putting the best features of Windows on other eco systems isn't magically going to bring people over to MS. Watch on. Now how will Microsoft stay relevant when the majority of the users dock their powerful Iphones or Android phones to a docking station and uses big scrrens and use Office software made by Apple or Goodle android. "We didn't get . I said back when the Verizon Fiasco came about that it signalled an existential moment for Microsoft. Opportunities and Threats are factors that are analyzed in view of the prevalent market forces and other factors such as economic , social, health & safety, technological, legal & environmental, and political. The Organizational Development solutions & strategies has helped Nadella Satya in coming up with unique solution to tap the un-catered markets. Mobiles are now the gateway product to tech not enterprise systems. It's around 500 million now. I understand security needed to be stepped up, but you all did not take a practicle view of what is truly intuitive. One thing for sure Microsoft killed off it's chance to reenter the smart phone arena again, Consumers , it's oem partners. I also felt pretty betrayed owning am Xbox One original. You can create the worlds finished machine learning but if you are not getting the input from people on the most used devices then it will gradually lose traction to the devices people do use. They are Personal Computers that happen to make phone calls. The Microsoft CEO ranks at No. As TechCrunch reported: Critically, Windows OEM revenue for the period only declined 3 percent, a figure that was cushioned by 12 percent more OEM revenue to commercial customers. Where is MS's answer to those? HoloLens is cool and all but its not in consumers hands. It is simple and easy to interact with but Apple as whole interacts with very few things outside its own verse. Yeah, this will hurt them. But in general it was a culmination of stupid moves at that time. It appears that Microsoft has forgotten how to be successful, please your customers. I want another Windows device for mobile but I can't make an informed decison without information. I once had a SONY Vaio PC, The company stopped supporting it. Speaking of, how's that Kinect doing? In 2007 he was elevated to senior vice president of research and development for the companys online services division, and he later served (201113) as president of Microsofts server and tools business, which annually generated some $19 billion in revenue. Building strategies based on consumer oriented product development and marketing approach. He was lured away from Sun in 1992 to join Microsoft, where he initially worked on the development of Windows NT, a landmark operating system that was aimed primarily at business users. The economy remains fragile. 6 Satya Nadella Quotes to Inspire Business Leaders Coolwill do. Windows rules the desktop and laptop marketatthe moment. Now, you have recognised that mobile is the entry to nearly everything else. It doesn't pass the Star Trek Tech test: There's gazillions of handheld devices in the Star Trek universe. This brings us to: A huge chunk of the PC market remains on Windows XP. Examining the Leadership Style of Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella And partial credit goes to Windows Central, WinBeta too. It doesn't make any sense to support something useless anymore. But I do think it would help for microsoft to look broadly at the extensive feedback, and get the back log of insider feedback going. Nadella Satya should just get out of these business areas and focus on strength and threats box , or on weakness and opportunities box. I connect back and forth between my personal SIM and my work / travel SIM without compromising my security. Hehe . It really is sad that Nadella were so short sighted. I think with the news of the demise of windows phone and groove are the pivotal sign, that consumer focus is traded for strictly business oriented investment (whatever that means). Instead of building bridges to the future, MIcrosoft has burned many. (I know that is sarcastic, but there is a bit of truth therein) There was no commitment to follow through. A survey says managers feel employees slack while working from home. He has more commitment, vision, drive, passion and focus than this assclown running microsoft. . Learn from mistakes and grow with concepts not with words.First and most important, build products/services for each and every person. There were rumblings since last year that WM was going to be killed off yet no one came out and gave an official word other than crap about "being committed to mobile". Many who know me say I am also defined by my curiosity and thirst for learning. My view is Microsoft have missed the next wave because the platform they have is peripheral to the next wave. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/there-are- Market is measured by money, not by people, otherwise India would be the most attractive market in the world, but it is not. And Joe B, I think there was one thing you missed while you were trying everything to incent developers: committing to the platform and sticking with it. Worse, it would still not have theMOBILE apps that iOS and Androidhave. Is this happening to please investors? Thatmemorable momentwas first uploaded to YouTube in 2006, more than eight years ago. They should have just purchasedParallels and created a Parallels for windows phone that runs ios and android apps and we would not even be having this conversation. The carriers - at least in America - never supported the OS as they did Apple or Samsung after 7.0 failed to fly. I don't really have any other smartphone experience to compare it to, but I do know how a phone looks is part of what catches my eye and I have, to this day, have not seen one phone that is as eye-catching as Window Phone's transparent tiles and what you can do with them to create an awesome home screen. Satya went for the cheap option. So seen in that light I think Microsoft is doing damn well by supporting us until 2019. I love how everyone seems to think Google and apple can conquer every market. Bigger than the US obviously. Enter Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. The following list is a sample of the issues and challenges that Nadella may face during his tenure as CEO of Microsoft: Windows Phone growth stalls, failing to reach the 10 percent mark in the next two years. Six challenges for Microsoft as the Satya Nadella era begins ButI would prefer not to (always) support the Apple fan-club thing or Google's super focus on ads and selling private data. we also need to put the blame on AT&T. It's about new management practices and . Microsoft's Satya Nadella speaks out on employee well-being as workdays I have 40k worth of their stock, my vote will be to give his butt the boot. In fact, in our consulting firm I am the only one left with knowledge and there is no push for others to train. Now time to guarantee their devices on point of sale. Large organizations should welcome such scrutiny. Microsoft has been strident in the past in stating that it intends to have strong margins on the Surface line of products. (No, I haven't timed for how long, but but more that 5 minutes. Sure it wasnt successful but it. I like the platform because it does what I need it to do. For all his success, Satya is extremely humble with unusually high levels of self-awareness and empathy, shaped by his life experiences and his crucibles. Started with an HTC Surround Windows 7 Phone back in 2011, kept that for a few years, then upgraded to Nokia Lumia 920 Windows 8 Phone, Things I liked about Windows 7 and 8 Phones, no worries on viruses or malware, the smooth intergreation with my Desktop, Sadly had to switch to Android in December 2015 as got tired of not having apps that I needed. If you feel that you've constantly let consumers down (which actually you have) then do something to bridge that gap. Still using Winpho till ATT says they won't support it. MS needs to be careful about leaving its users feeling burnt and lied to. Satya Nadella AI: 'You can't insult me by saying biryani is a tiffin Why did they move to Windows 10 mobile, when they knew the Windows 10 OS was not good to go? Microsoft, you will have to do something really good and stick with it to get me back. They need to name and market it under a different moniker!!!! I only use Cortana as a quick launch for application on my PC. I have been a windows mobile / phone user for a many years. Even though it looks really cool, I have a really hard time being sold on their mixed reality. If MS has truely solved the CORE system then the Nadellas comments and the rest make sense and the development problem of a "mobile," desktop, and Social (Smart TV, IOT world) becomes trule nothing but a semantic difference in how a user interacts. I ended up with a Lumia 950 running Windows 10 Mobile. It limits the ability of the firm to build a sustainable competitive advantage. - Growing Protectionism - Nadella Satya should hedge the risk against growing protectionism ranging from storing data into international market to diversifying risk by operating into countries at different economic cycle. Absolutely correct. So what if it lost money, it would sell like crazy and introduce another touch paradigm the one where we don't go full screen to full screen, where we have acutual WINDOWS we can snap and move. That was the finding of a survey on corporate attitudes by Microsoft Corp ., the workplace software giant and owner of LinkedIn. By Antonio Planas. You probably have no chance to become Microsoft's CEO. So when it comes time to launch a new category of devices they can draw from that loyal consumer base to use their new product. Google can get into cloud services easily. Why even would they drop the already established product? They cancelled their entire European release and gave up. Due to the recent news of Microsoft team members saying they have switched over to another mobile OS and that Micosoft has finally admitted given up on Windows Mobilewas the last straw for me. Almost all Developers cater to consumers because that is the largest growth market for trends and 15-minute fame apps. They had more than a fair chance, and now they are done. Too much hubris. It is also clear that WinPhone/WinMob was a cluster-f from the day iOS was launched and WinMob 6.5 was terrible by comparison. If Microsoft doesn't have a consumer precense then employees would need to keep track of two ecosystems instead of one meaning more work and complexity. - Implementation of Technology in Processes Even though Nadella Satya has integrated technology in the backend processes it has still not able to harness the power of technology in the front end processes. If Nokia X, Astoria and iOS Bridge would have the attention they deserverd, today we would see OEMs selling Microsoft's mobile OS capable of running Bank applications, Airline ticket applications, Snapchat, Youtube, etc. I do not regret the decision, but I still do not like to android OS look and feel but It is very refreshing to have a feature filled OS and a much larger app gallery, but more importantly, apps that work well.

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satya nadella weaknesses