Do you know that you are killing yourself?


Do you know you are killing yourself?

Yes, you and I include myself too. We are killing ourselves every minute… some of us at a faster rate than others. How are we doing this?

People who are putting on weight, who are grossly overweight, are killing themselves day by day. Here they are not eating to live, but eating to die! How is this?

It’s because they are eating the wrong type of food, food that lack vital nutrition such as vitamins, minerals, good fats, complex carbohydrates, etc. You see, when you eat food that is low in nutritional value, you will feel more hungry rather than satisfied. So you just continue to eat more. And the result? You put on weight of course!  When you put on more and more weight, you are looking at a premature death brought about by diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, strokes and some forms of cancer.

So to stop killing yourself, to live longer, you should only consume food that are nutritious and food that have negative calories. What is food with negative calories?

They are food that are low in calories but require a greater amount of calories in order to be digested in your system. So if you choose negative calorie food, you will find yourself burning more calories than you consume. This will make you lose weight even as you eat and put you back on the road to good health.

Sometimes people eat because they feel depressed, or are under stress. They may even be feeling lonely, so under such an  emotional state of mind, they turn to what is known as “comfort food” or junk food. Does this sound familiar? I used to do it and sometimes I still do! Typical examples of such food are potato crisps, chocolates, sweets, sugar-coated doughnuts, cream cakes, etc. Such yummy food, to me at least. But, and it is a big BUT,  constantly eating such food will not only make you put on weight but it will also lead to obesity which will result in the deadly diseases mentioned earlier.

This habit of eating “comfort food” is hard to change because habits die hard. Besides, such food makes you feel better especially when you are crunching crisps or savouring the chocolate that melts in your mouth….sigh! So unfair that some people can eat loads of food but don’t put on any weight!  So each time you feel down and you reach for such food,you are slowly but surely spoiling your health and certainly not losing any weight!

Another bad habit ( also mine!! ) is that of munching as you watch television. If you can get rid of this bad habit, you will not have that pot belly or love handles around your middle. You’ll be much healthier and slimmer!

Another friendly reminder here.  Don’t get taken in by advertisements that constantly persuade you to buy their food. The only reason they want you to eat their food is the huge profits they can make for the food manufacturers. They are not at all concerned about your health or well-being, certainly not helping you to lose weight.

So, if you don’t want to be overweight or obese and contract life-threatening diseases, stop eating the wrong food that only makes you feel more hungry. Then you won’t continue to eat and eat in order to assuage those hunger pangs.
The urge to eat is very strong when you are hungry but you must opt for the negative calorie food that are just as delicious and won’t make you put on weight. When you meet your body’s nutritional needs, you will not feel hungry; you will not over-eat and you will not put on weight. In fact eating the right food the right way will help you to lose weight and you will be more healthy and live longer.You will enjoy the benefits of weight loss, feel lighter and have more energy when you are not carrying all that extra weight in the wrong places!



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  1. […] (By the way, you can find the whole article right here: Do you know that you are killing yourself?) […]

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