You’ve seen the needle on the weighing scale inch steadily upwards and you know it’s
time to get serious about losing weight.
So you really want to lose weight?
Very simple. To get started on a weight-loss program you just change your usual routine.
If you’ve been eating two fried eggs, sausages and bacon for breakfast every morning, stop doing so.
Have two pieces of toast and a cup of green tea. This change will stimulate your body into action. Forget about the coffee unless you take it without sugar.
Remember? We recommended that you break your meals into smaller ones but eat more frequently. So you think your two pieces of toast won’t get you through to lunch time, fine! Grab an apple and a bottle of water mid morning and have that. This will keep you going until lunch time.
Choose a salad minus the rich dressing and a sandwich for lunch. Down another bottle
of water. You can eat as much vegetables and fruit as you like in your salad combo.
Vegetables are filling.
If you have a long lunch hour, and your office is on the third floor or higher, take a walk down the stairs and go for a short walk. Then walk back up the stairs again to return to your office. The exercise will speed up your metabolism and burn more calories.
Come teatime, treat yourself to a couple of biscuits ( preferably the ones with fiber and no cream ) and a cup of tea. Add another fruit if you wish.
That will last you till dinner time. During dinner, you can have your meat ( no fat please), more vegetables and a
bowl of soup. Have fresh fruit for dessert.
Good for your system.
Try this out and you will enjoy better health and lower body fat. You would have shed a few kilos by the end of the month.
So you see, a change in your routine and a different style of food intake will stop bad habits of eating simply for the sake of eating at certain times even when you’re not hungry.
However if you find that you want to speed up your weight loss, check out our Slim n Trim Store. Click on it at the top of the page.
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