

Mar 08

Beat the Buffet Trap

scrop4JPGThese days buffets are everywhere. You find them in hotels, ranging from the 5 stars to even the 3 stars. Some restaurants offer them too, albeit on a smaller scale.

Buffets are the bane of weight watchers like me. Who can pass up what is called value-for-money or eat-all-you-can for a modest sum, especially when there is a 50% discount thrown in? Heh heh…

There is such a wide spread of food: Asian favorites, western dishes, local and western salads, pastries, western and asian, desserts, etc., etc. The stellar display is truly a feast for the eye. Sigh….I’m salivating already!

Apart from the affordable price, the next attractive thing is that you can sit with your friends for hours, going for seconds, even thirds, while nattering over the unending meal.

But take heart, all my fellow weight watchers! We can feast with our eyes and we don’t have to binge! We don’t have to pile on the extra lbs. How?

Simple! We just head for the salad bar and pile the different greens on our plates, minus the mayonnaise. Then we go for the clear soup. This will not be oily and won’t contain much fat.

Having got the salad and soup, take our time to chew the greens, just like the cows and goats do ( pardon me, I don’t mean that we are cows or goats but the slow, relaxed way they chew the cud make them good role models! ) and we natter over things that we usually like to talk about. Slow and steady and hey! We will find ourselves full. Yes, the salads do fill us up but we don’t have to stop there.

The next thing is to get a small plate and look at what is on the buffet. Just take a small portion of what we like and do the same thing. Eat slowly and savor each bite. Pretty soon our brains will tell our tummies that we’ve had enough. Oh…mustn’t forget the dessert…. Fruit, pastries, cakes, pies, puddings…..yummy!

Just choose ONE dessert to round off the meal, followed by coffee minus the sugar and cream or leave it out completely.

There! We’ve had our fill, chattered with friends and we can leave without feeling guilty or regretful. At least we know the scales will not be pushing on the plus side and we can look forward to the next buffet, at least a month away.

However, if anyone has given in to temptation and gone for broke, eating everything on the buffet plus seconds or thirds, you don’t have to be too hard on yourself!
Just exercise more to burn off the extra calories, and do a detox! Check out our Slim n Trim Store for your needs and you won’t be out of shape.

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