

Oct 14

Detox & Clean up your Insides

PeggyYou need to clean up your insides and regularly too.

Just as we need to do housekeeping whether it’s our home or our computer, we also need to clean our body system.

The rapid pace of development sees us living in highly polluted environments. We take in toxins, micro-organisms, germs from the polluted air we breathe, from the food we eat and from the water we drink.

Our metabolic wastes, and faeces are lodged in the colon and large intestine and the accumulation over the years will result in metabolic syndrome diseases such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and some forms of cancer. We put on weight and it has been found that some people carry many kilos of wastes in their bowels. These have impacted over time and are “concretised” along the walls of the colon, resulting in more and more toxin build-up.

How do you know that you are suffering from toxin build-up which your body is finding harder and harder to manage?

You will know if you experience the following symptoms. Lethargy, stress, constipation, bloated tummy, indigestion and weight gain are signs that you need to take note of. It’s your body’s way of telling you that the toxins in your body are more than it can now handle.

It’s time for a good clean up if you don’t want to fall ill with the above diseases such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure heart disease and cancer. It’s time to lose weight and to flush out the hardened wastes from your system.

You need to detoxify your body. You also need to detoxify regularly to ensure that there will not be more build-up of toxins which, accumulated over time, will manifest in the dreaded diseases above. Regular detox will also help you to lose weight and stay healthy.

Click here for an effective detox program. Lose weight now to stay healthy.

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