

Dec 22

Fat Point…..huh??


Many people believe that everyone has a fat point where his/her body affirms that this is the level of fat normal for him/her.

This is not true. On the contrary, we develop our own fat point based on our lifestyles.

While there are different body types that are determined by our genes, the percentage of fat that we have in us is not due to our genes. In fact it is due to the food that we have been eating from when we were young to the stage where we are now.

If you have been over eating for a long time and stayed at a specific fat percentage for some time then that becomes your new fat point. This fat point can change according to the lifestyle that you lead.

Having stayed at a particular fat point for a year or two, your body will develop capillaries, connective tissues, hormonal levels and so on to support that point.

You have determined what that point is and your body will now maintain the new level.

Your body will constantly monitor that new fat point. If you go on a crash diet your body will react to the fact that it sees an attack on that fat point. Thus it will try hard to maintain what it believes is the correct balance to the extent that it will cannibalise muscle tissue to save fat.

Unfortunately, many people refuse to accept that it is not their genes but an unhealthy life style that has resulted in their fat point being too high.

You need to recognise that you don’t have to stay fat. You may have found it difficult to lose weight if if have a lot to lose but don’t worry. Help is at hand. There are many weight loss supplements and programs to help you change that fat point and to get it down. Check out our Slim n Trim Store and get the supplement to begin your program to change your fat point.

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