

Nov 04

How to De-Stress


How does one de-stress at the end of a long, tiring day? Is it possible? At the end of a day at the office, you join the long queue on the road to go home. If the cars in front of you keep moving, it’s fine. However, if the pace is sluggish and you find yourself having to stop every now and then, do you feel stressed out?

Maybe, if you have already had a long day and are eager to get home and then this snail’s pace gets on your nerves.

Now, here’s what you can do to relax or de-stress.

Take slow long deep breaths. This gets more oxygen into your system. Slow deep breaths can relax you.

Listen to the radio or have your favorite CD playing. This will help you to de-stress too. Music has a calming and soothing effect. In Shakespeare’s The Tempest, the beast Caliban was soothed with music. Of course don’t play the hot type of music with its noisy singing. This would wind you up more. It has to be soothing music.

Another way to de-stress would be to shift your mind away from the problem or worry that is niggling you. Switch to more pleasant thoughts, like the picture of your dog happily welcoming you home, wagging his tail furiously, or the little sweet sound of “papa, papa” from your toddler as she runs towards you when you reach home. Or think of the food waiting for you on the dining table.

Some may not head home directly but to the gym or fitness centre where they work out to music. Here the exercise will certainly de-stress you. Ladies, do go line-dancing to de-stress. You will certainly lose weight if you do.

So keep yourself relaxed so that you will enjoy a good night’s sleep and not let stress get the better of you. Meanwhile if you do need help with weight loss here is a product to help you.

De-stress, detox and lose that fat!

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