

Aug 09

Overweight Problems

tassie rosefarmmeIf you don’t exercise but continue to eat everything in sight, you are going to have overweight problems.

It is easy to put on weight but very difficult to lose the extra pounds. fatppl
Being overweight means being out of shape and having to opt for larger clothing
sizes or loose clothes to hide the ugly fat around the middle and the buttocks.

Apart from an unattractive appearance, a number of diseases loom on the horizon.

The first one is Diabetes. Diabetes is a disease that brings along with it terrible complications.

It can lead to blindness and it will cause kidney failure. It also increases your risk of getting heart disease and your risk of suffering from a stroke is raised by almost 400%!!
A diabetic has foot problems and if his feet have any injuries, it could lead to gangrene which means amputation of his legs in order to save his life.

Men who have diabetes can also develop erectile dysfunction, meaning he becomes impotent.

What other diseases are commonly found in overweight people?

High blood cholesterol and high blood pressure. You know the consequences of these terrible twins! Blocked arteries which can lead to heart attacks and stroke which will paralyse and disable you.

Apart from these, being overweight can cause sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that can be life-threatening as the person stops breathing at some time in his sleep before he jerks and resumes breathing. He will also snore because of the fatty tissue in the throat that obstructs his breathing passage when he is in horizontal position. All this means that good quality sleep is compromised and he wakes up feeling tired the next day.

Low energy levels will prompt him to look for food to boost his energy. This will make him tend to over eat and put on more weight.

Now that you know the overweight problems faced by people who are overweight cycle4health
and yet won’t exercise or take steps to lose weight, I hope that you will begin
to exercise and reduce your body fat so that you can enjoy better health and
avoid the life-threatening diseases.

You can also solve your overweight problems by taking weightloss supplements that can help you to lose weight more easily.

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