

Nov 25

Sleep your way to Beauty


Ever heard of the phrase “beauty sleep” ?

It implies that sleep is linked with beauty. You may well ask where the connection is.

To me, when you have enough sleep, you will feel energized and be full of life. When one is full of life, one tends to attract attention. People are attracted to you because you are vivacious, your skin looks good, and your temperament is attractive. Your smiles light up the room.

However, if you don’t have enough sleep, or if your sleep was disturbed, you wake up feeling tired and you become easily irritated and grumpy. You certainly won’t be looking your best. People will steer clear of you because of your looks. Whispers of “bad mood” float through the atmosphere.

Sounds familiar ?

There’s another bad side to not getting your beauty sleep.

Do you know that lack of sleep can make you put on weight? Ugh! As if being a grouch isn’t enough! Getting fat on top of that!

Well, it’s true. When you don’t have enough sleep, you feel lethargic and listless. You simply don’t have the energy to perform your tasks so you find yourself looking for things to eat or snack in order to boost your energy levels.

Furthermore, your body functions are also affected. Your organs, especially your liver, become less efficient. Consequently your fat cells increase and you will grow fat.

So if you don’t want to be fat, you must get your beauty sleep. Getting enough sleep at night will boost your energy levels so you won’t go looking for food and you won’t put on weight.

There’s more to sleep than just helping you to maintain a healthy weight…. but more of that next time.

To a good night’s sleep!

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