

Nov 14

A Quicker Way To Burn Fat

Do you want to burn the fat in your body? You can do it in two ways. If you have lots of money to spare, you can  head for a slimming salon and buy an expensive package that promises to help you lose weight. The other way is the natural, healthy way where you help yourself.

This is what you do. Get up early in the morning, drink a glass of water and head to the park. If there is no park close by, your neighbourhood will do. Do some stretching exercises to warm up your muscles and then walk at a brisk pace.brisk walking

After ten minutes, you may jog.

Jog at a steady pace for ten minutes, then slow down to a brisk walk for another ten minutes. Pick up speed and jog for another ten minutes after which you brisk walk. After ten minutes, slow down and walk slowly. This is to cool down.

This alternating between walking and jogging will get your body to use your fat reserves, thus burning them as energy. Doing this first thing in the morning will kick start your metabolism and keep it burning calories throughout the day.

jogging pair
Weigh yourself before you begin this technique. Do this for two weeks and weigh yourself again. You will find that you have lost weight provided you didn’t binge after your exercise.

Just drink more water.womandrinkwatr



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