

May 30

Fast Weight Loss – a Scam?

tassie rosefarmme Most women want to be slim and sexy and are willing to spend money to get a beautiful body especially when the advertisements promise fast weight loss. Indeed some claim that you can lose weight while you sleep.

Nothing makes us happier than to see the fat melting away and we can see our waistlines once more.

However this is not achieved overnight. Just as it took time for us to put on all that fat and weight gain, it will take time to lose that fat.

Unfortunately not all of us are patient and some will go for fast weight loss solutions which may not be really effective, e.g. fast-track diets. Research studies have shown that these are only as good as they last. People who go for low-calorie or low carbohydrate diets find themselves putting on weight quickly once they stop dieting. This happens because this kind of dieting is not manageable for long.

Most of the time rapid weight loss is only temporary as it is mainly water loss. You get very thirsty and hungry and eating and drinking will have you gain back the weight you lost.

Another product that claims to help you lose weight fast is the slimming soap. It is claimed that using this soap when you bathe will help you to lose body fat but it has not been scientifically proven so far.

Magnetic weight loss earrings are also advertised as promoting rapid weight loss. Wearing them is supposed to suppress your hunger pangs and to increase your metabolic rate. Then there are also patches that claim to melt your fat when you wear them on your problem areas.

I have tried both of these and found them to have no effect, despite the claims in the advertisements. The only effect was a lighter wallet and a lesson learned.

Weight loss can only be achieved by having good eating habits and regular exercise. If you have a lot of weight to lose you can opt for sensible weight loss supplements. I find fat binders helpful. However you might prefer other options such as detoxifying your body as it also helps you to lose weight.

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