

Mar 25

Pollution Kills

tassie rosefarmme With the change in global climatic conditions, people and animals are facing different kinds of crises. Where there is prolonged drought, there is a lot of pollution in the air.

We breathe in air that is full of germs, toxins, micro-organisms and consume food and water that are also contaminated with chemicals, toxic wastes through irresponsible human activities.

Our body systems get compromised and stressed out. Constipation is common especially when we don’t get enough exercise. How can we find the time to do regular exercise when we have long working hours in the office ?

Metabolic wastes and faeces get lodged in our large intestine and colon. These toxic wastes accumulate over time and we get poisoned slowly, leading to weight gain, obesity and life-threatening diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

How do we know when we have polluted our body systems?

You will feel lethargic, stressed out, have a bloated tummy and suffer from constipation, indigestion and you will put on weight.

These are the symptoms of toxic waste buildup which your body can no longer handle.

So before your system breaks down under such toxin overload, you need to detox quickly. You need to help yourself and avoid developing life-threatening diseases. When you have successfully detoxed your body you will feel much better, lighter and healthier. Detox your body if you want to be healthy.

Get help to detox your body here. You can also visit our Slim n Trim Shop by clicking on it at the top of this page.

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