

Feb 20

Substitute your Way to Weight Loss

crop4JPGTo lose weight successfully some changes in lifestyle are necessary. However, you should realize that you cannot make these changes overnight!

For example, if you are told that you should not eat junk food, you will probably try hard to avoid it for a day or two. However, by doing that, you will be even more tempted to eat some of your favorite calorie-laden food. As a result, you will put on more weight instead of losing it.

Try this great technique. Instead of trying to cut out all your junk food, try to substitute one junk food with one good food. For example, if you eat burgers, replace the meat with vegetables. It will taste good and has less calories. If you eat white bread, replace that with wholegrain wheat bread. It is more nutritious and has more fibre which is good for your digestive system and it stops you from feeling hungry for a longer time.

Do it slowly, bit by bit and eventually you will have completely replaced your bad food with healthy food.

Substitute bad habits with good ones. Most of us gained weight because of certain bad habits.

Most of us like to snack be it in mid morning or afternoon. Instead of trying to break this snacking habit, we can do some substitution. If you snack on chocolate and cookies, replace them with low-fat yogurt and fruits. These days there are fat-free yogurt which are just as delicious!
Food is very tempting, especially the beautiful cakes on display and the array of ice cream of different flavors! Just walk away, visualizing your fat self if you were to give in to temptation and gorge on those food. Instead, visualize yourself having a slim, svelte figure in a sexy outfit.
Whenever you are tempted to eat, do something that will distract you from the thought of food. Read the newspapers, a book or magazine, do some stretching exercises, go for a walk, etc. Doing these things will help keep your mind from food cravings.

Think substitution! Sugar-free instead of sugar-laden, vegetable stickscelery instead of chips, plain water instead of carbonated drinks. This will get your weight down.

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