

Jun 20

When to Detoxify

tassie rosefarmme How do you know it’s time to detoxify? When you have an unhealthy colon… and how would you know this? A clear sign is a colon that doesn’t function properly and has become sluggish.

You find yourself spending more time in the toilet because it’s more difficult to move your bowels. You have to strain and push and for all your effort, not much is excreted.

Your colon becomes congested as wastes pile up and putrefy on your intestinal walls.congestedcolon Nutrients from the food you eat cannot be absorbed because the intestine walls are hardened with faeces. Because of that, you will eat more and add more toxins. The toxins are released into your blood stream.

You begin to get headaches, bad breath, skin problems, backache, etc. You have no energy and feel very lethargic. You put on more weight. If you allow this to go on you will find yourself developing more serious diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Your malfunctioning colon could be the result of your lifestyle, stress or poor eating habits. All is not lost as you can detoxify your system with the help of supplements.

A detox supplement will remove the toxins from your bloodstream and improve nutrient absorption as it also clears the accumulated plaque on your intestinal wall.

Detox regularly to maintain a healthy digestive tract and avoid constipation. You will feel more energetic, lose weight and have a clear skin.

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